Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Carl Jung: We are following the exploits of the R.A.F. with the greatest admiration and we marvel at the way the British people are carrying on.

To H. G. Baynes

My dear Peter, 9 December 1940

I just got your letter of September 10th for which I was waiting a long time.

Thank you very much for all the news.

I can't tell you how glad I am that you and your family have escaped the danger of getting bombed that came so close to your house.

Things are all right over here up to the present moment.

But we don't know what the future will bring us.

I'm busy as usual and as often as I can I work in the garden to prepare a field for potatoes next spring.

We are practically cut off from the world as far as supplies are concerned and have to live on our wits as well as we can.

My daughter from Paris and her children are with us since the beginning of the war, happily enough.

But her husband is still in Paris.

We are following the exploits of the R.A.F. with the greatest admiration and we marvel at the way the British people are carrying on.

It is at least a light in the darkness which we feel very much being so close to it.

A long time ago I wrote to X., but got no answer.

Have you any news from her?

I wonder what she is doing.

I'm still not through with your book, because I've been interrupted by a lot of additional work and I don't get things as quickly off my hands as I used to do when I was younger.

Please give my best regards to Mrs. Baynes.

I hope that your house and your family will be protected in the future as they have been in the past.

Three cheers for old England!

Cordially yours,

C.G. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 288-289

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Great Sites to visit:

1. Jenna Lilla's Path of the Soul

2. Steve Jung-Hearted Parker's Jung Currents

3. Frith Luton's Jungian Dream Analysis and Psychotherapy:

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