Thursday, March 29, 2018

Carl Jung: It seems as if one-half of the world had been made by an engineer and the other half by a foolish poet.

Dr. Adler: There is a custom in Germany of putting children in the rain in spring so that they may grow quicker.

Dr. Jung: Exactly. You see rain in popular superstition is used as a charm, it is magic, and that is not to be rationalized; it is an entirely psychological effect.

You can say that is only a poetic idea, but it is a fact, it is poetic mana.

It seems as if one-half of the world had been made by an engineer and the other half by a foolish poet.

So the giant is strengthening his hair by receiving that mana; it is like watering his flower beds, he is making it grow.

And what about the hair in itself?

Mrs. Deady: In the story of Samson, his hair was his strength.

Dr. Jung: Yes, when his hair was cut he lost his power.

Hair is supposed to be a sign of strength.

Therefore a person with very thick strong hair is assumed to be temperamentally strong, particularly passionate, or brutal, or a sexual hero.

Then the hair has much to do with the head, and therefore people, especially women, have always been very keen about hairdressing.

Primitive women sometimes arrange their hair in a very elaborate way, and not only women, but men also.

One sees in Africa astounding fantasies upon the heads of those people, built up with the aid of clay and wax and all sorts of things. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 313

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