Showing posts with label Taoism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taoism. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2017

Carl Jung on "Taoism" Anthology.

The truth is one and the same everywhere and I must say that Taoism is one of the most perfect formulations of it I

ever became acquainted with. Carl Jung, Letters Volume 1, Pages 559-560.

The central idea of Taoism is no moral question, but is the Tao, the indefinable essence of the right way, and this is also the mystery of alchemy. Carl Jung, ETH, Page 142.

The goal of alchemy is not merely material, it is partly in "the Beyond", and is almost exactly similar to the goal of Taoism, where the whole effort is directed towards finding or creating Tao. Carl Jung, ETH, Page 143.

Confucianism was the recognised state religion in China, it subordinates the interests of the individual to those of the state, whereas Taoism is essentially a religion for the individual. Carl Jung, ETH, Page 142.

In Buddhism, this return to Nirvana is connected with a complete annihilation of the ego, which, like the world, is only illusion…In Taoism, on the other hand, the goal is to preserve in a transfigured form, the idea of the person, the "traces" left by experience. Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 18.

Taoism has also a kind of Yoga but it is less well known than the Indian. The Chinese Yoga is very much less founded on dogma, the Yogin is left to find his own way through his difficult experiences. Carl Jung, ETH Lecture III, 17May 1935, Pages 209.

The "Processing" is the alchemistic procedure; this, Taoism and the Book of Changes are all the same thing, ac- cording to Wei Po-Yang. Carl Jung, ETH, Lecture XIII, Page 109.