Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Some Carl Jung Quotations

Some Carl Jung Quotations: It [The Ego] seems to arise in the first place from the collision between the somatic factor and the environment, and, once established as a subject, it goes on developing from further collisions w…

[Carl Jung on Saint Peter, Gnostics, Opposites]

[Carl Jung on Saint Peter, Gnostics, Opposites]: Psychology and Religion [[Carl Jung on Saint Peter, Gnostics, Opposites] In this connection mention should be made of Peter’s valedictory words, which he spoke during his martyrdom (he was cr…

Carl Jung Review of Waldstein: ” The Subconscious Self and Its Relation to Education and Health “

Carl Jung Review of Waldstein: ” The Subconscious Self and Its Relation to Education and Health “: Symbolic Life For a variety of reasons it is welcome news that Waldstein’s book The Subconscious Self has been rescued from oblivion and made accessible to a wider public in an excellent tran…