
Carl Jung on The Tibetan Book of the Dead - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: The ear of wheat represented the son born of the Great Mother, the earth.

Joseph Campbell: Refusal of the summons converts the adventure into its negative.

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Carl Jung on the “Living Mystery of Life.”

Carl Jung: I had to follow the ineradicable foolishness which furnishes the steps to true wisdom.

Carl Jung: Consider please that in the year 1960 we are still far from being out of the primitive woods.

Carl Jung: “…thanks for the wonderful, spirit-infused gift…”

Carl Jung: Alchemy, with its wealth of symbols, gives us an insight into an endeavour of the human mind... - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung and the important question is not “who” we are but “what” we are. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: I found it exceedingly odd that you should amiably take me for an atheist - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on 'Being' - Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung and the “Ego.” Lexicon - Carl Jung Depth Psychology