Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Carl Jung: "We are prejudiced in regard to the animal." - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: "We are prejudiced in regard to the animal." - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: We are prejudiced in regard to the animal. People don’t understand when I tell them they should become acquainted with their animals or assimilate their animals. They think the animal is always jumping over walls and raising hell all over town. Yet in nature the animal is a well-behaved citizen. It is pious, …

Carl Jung: I speak to you of joy. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: I speak to you of joy. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: In this moment my vision ended. And Diahmon went away and I was alone. And I remained apart as I had been told. But in the fourth night I saw a strange form, a man wearing a long coat and a turban; his eyes shone cleverly and kindly like a wise doctor’s. He …

Number and Time by Marie Louise von Franz - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Number and Time by Marie Louise von Franz - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Marie-Louise von Franz, Number and Time SELECTIONS “In the final analysis the idea of an unus mundus [one world] is founded, as he [Jung] says: “on the assumption that the multiplicity of the empirical world rests on an underlying unity … . [E]verything divided and different belongs to one and the same world … . …