Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Carl Jung and “Dragons” – Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung and “Dragons” – Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: It is as though consciousness were aware that the dragon is the lower half of man, which indeed and in truth is the case. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 489. The ancients called the saving word the Logos, an expression of divine reason. So much unreason / was in man that he …

Carl Jung on the Catholic “Mass” – Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the Catholic “Mass” – Anthology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: The mystery of the Eucharist transforms the soul of the empirical man, who is only a part of himself, into his totality, symbolically expressed by Christ. In this sense, therefore, we can speak of the Mass as the rite of the individuation process. ~Carl Jung; Psychology and Religion Let us take as a sample …

Carl Jung: "We are prejudiced in regard to the animal." - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: "We are prejudiced in regard to the animal." - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: We are prejudiced in regard to the animal. People don’t understand when I tell them they should become acquainted with their animals or assimilate their animals. They think the animal is always jumping over walls and raising hell all over town. Yet in nature the animal is a well-behaved citizen. It is pious, …