Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Carl Jung Quotations 30 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung Quotations 30 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Natural life is the nourishing of the Soul ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 800. The farmer is still closer to these layers. In tilling the earth he moves around within a very narrow radius, but he moves on his own land. ~Carl Jung, Man and his Environment; C.G. Jung Speaking; Pages 201-203 The earth has …

Carl Jung on the “Coniunctio.” Lexicon - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the “Coniunctio.” Lexicon - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Carl Jung on the “Coniunctio.” Lexicon Coniunctio: Literally, “conjunction,” used in alchemy to refer to chemical combinations; psychologically, it points to the union of opposites and the birth of new possibilities. The coniunctio is an a priori image that occupies a prominent place in the history of man’s mental development. If we trace …

Carl Jung on the “Summa.” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the “Summa.” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: You sit and lean against the wall, and look at the beautiful, riddle-some totality. The Summa lies before you like a book, and an unspeakable greed seizes you to devour it. Consequently you lean back and stiffen and sit for a long time. You are completely incapable of grasping it. Here and there …