Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Carl Jung: ,,,we move in a world of images that point to something ineffable. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: ,,,we move in a world of images that point to something ineffable. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: The fact that religious statements frequently conflict with the observed physical phenomena proves that in contrast to physical perception the spirit is autonomous, and that psychic experience is to a certain extent independent of physical data. The psyche is an autonomous factor, and religious statements are psychic confessions which in the last resort …

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Christ, as a man, corresponds to the ego, and, as God, to the self, he is at once both ego and self, part and whole - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Christ, as a man, corresponds to the ego, and, as God, to the self, he is at once both ego and self, part and whole - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: [Christ, as a man, corresponds to the ego, and, as God, to the self, he is at once both ego and self, part and whole.] Apart from the religious significance of the decision in favor of a complete union of both natures, I would mention in passing that the Monophysite dogma has a …

Carl Jung Quotations 31 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung Quotations 31 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: In the unconscious it is not so terribly important whether a man is alive or dead, that seems to make very little impression upon the unconscious. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 903. But your attitude to it matters, how you will take it, whether you believe in immortality or not, how you react to such …