Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Carl Jung: That is like the magic use of the sacred symbols. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: That is like the magic use of the sacred symbols. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: That is like the magic use of the sacred symbols. Of course there is the right use and the wrong use. You see, mandalas were first discovered by some old wise guy who lived in a cave or in the woods because he was bored with the crowd of fools that humanity consists …

Carl Jung: That is like the magic use of the sacred symbols. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: That is like the magic use of the sacred symbols. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: That is like the magic use of the sacred symbols. Of course there is the right use and the wrong use. You see, mandalas were first discovered by some old wise guy who lived in a cave or in the woods because he was bored with the crowd of fools that humanity consists …

Carl Jung: ,,,we move in a world of images that point to something ineffable. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: ,,,we move in a world of images that point to something ineffable. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: The fact that religious statements frequently conflict with the observed physical phenomena proves that in contrast to physical perception the spirit is autonomous, and that psychic experience is to a certain extent independent of physical data. The psyche is an autonomous factor, and religious statements are psychic confessions which in the last resort …