Thursday, April 25, 2019

Carl Jung: It is the prerogative of our times to discover that woman has a psychology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: It is the prerogative of our times to discover that woman has a psychology - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: For a long time Christianity was exclusively a religion of the light; in other words, the Yang, the bright quality, the male substance. It is the prerogative of our times to discover that woman has a psychology, that there is another viewpoint outside the masculine world. It was an entirely new discovery that …

Carl Jung and "Antichrist" - Quotations - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung and "Antichrist" - Quotations - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Carl Jung and “Antichrist” – YouTube

Carl Jung and Astrology, Pisces, Aquarius - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung and Astrology, Pisces, Aquarius - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: [Carl Jung and Astrology, Pisces, Aquarius] The northerly, or easterly, fish, which the spring-point entered at about the beginning of our era, is joined to the southerly, or westerly, fish by the so-called commissure. This consists of a band of weak stars forming the middle sector of the constellation, and the spring-point gradually moved along …