Saturday, May 25, 2019

Carl Jung on “Nigredo.” Lexicon

Carl Jung on “Nigredo.” Lexicon: Nigredo:An alchemical term, corresponding psychologically to the mental disorientation that typically arises in the process of assimilating unconscious contents, particularly aspects of the shadow.…

[Carl Jung: …the souls of the dead "know" only what they knew at the moment of death, and nothing beyond that…]

[Carl Jung: …the souls of the dead "know" only what they knew at the moment of death, and nothing beyond that…]: [Carl Jung: …the souls of the dead “know” only what they knew at the moment of death, and nothing beyond that…]Later, when I wrote the Septem Sermones ad Mortuos, once again it was the …

Friday, May 24, 2019

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and “Transformation Begins Within”

Gerhard Wehr on Carl Jung and “Transformation Begins Within”: Transformation Begins Within   Having arrived at the threshold that marks the transition from the first half to the significant second half of C. G. Jung’s life, we pause, as observers a…