Saturday, July 20, 2019

Carl Jung on if there is “personal survival after death or not.” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on if there is “personal survival after death or not.” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: To H. J. Barrett Dear Mr. Barrett, 12 October 1956 Although my time is short and my old age is a real fact, I would like to answer to your questions. They are not quite easy, f.i. the first question whether I believe in personal survival after death or not, I could not say that …

He [Jung] delightedly said that Miss von Franz had independently had the same dream when she slept on that spot. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

He [Jung] delightedly said that Miss von Franz had independently had the same dream when she slept on that spot. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: J. Marvin Spiegelman: Memory of C.G. Jung My memories of Jung come from the period March, 1956, to March, 1959, during which I was a student at the Institute in Zurich. He was to be seen at least once or twice a year then, at a public or Institute lecture or at a seminar for …

Carl Jung Quotations 29 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung Quotations 29 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: And mind you, the animus is as terrible a reality as the anima. ~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Page 295 Through being creative one creates the thing that has come into existence in this moment, that was in a potential existence before. ~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Page 73 Inasmuch as you say these creative forces are …