Saturday, July 20, 2019

Carl Jung: But when you die, nobody else will die for you or instead of you. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: But when you die, nobody else will die for you or instead of you. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: To J. Allen Gilbert Dear Dr. Gilbert, 20 April 1946 Your letters have reached me after all. It was a great pleasure to see that you haven’t changed yet, you have continued the “rhinoceros walks.” I remember vividly those tracks of the pachyderm in the African jungle, and still more the smooth footpaths of the …

Carl Jung's Red Book Illumination #119 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung's Red Book Illumination #119 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Carl Jung’s Illumination #119 from The Red Book. I am he, the nameless one, who does not know himself and whose name is concealed even from himself I have no name, since I have not yet existed, but have only just become. To myself I am an Anabaptist and a stranger. I, who I am, …

Carl Jung on "Rational Psychology" - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on "Rational Psychology" - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Rational Psychology Introduction “Well, that’s all just as nice as pie,” says the educated philistine, “but I don’t believe in things unless I see them with my own eyes. And what you call metaphysics has been out of date for a long time, nobody takes it seriously any more, and if any metaphysical notions are …