Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Golden Fabric of God - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

The Golden Fabric of God - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Carl Jung’s Red Book Illumination #115 ‎”One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” Here, the encounter with the shadow within psychic processes – a drawing from the “Red Book.” (Wehr, 1989: 55). Red Book Footnote 219 Image legend: “This is the golden fabric in which the …

Pre-Christian parallels to the Trinity in Babylonia...~Carl Jung - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Pre-Christian parallels to the Trinity in Babylonia...~Carl Jung - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: A relief image, part of the Babylonian Ishtar gate. [Pre-Christian parallels to the Trinity in Babylonia…~Carl Jung] In proposing to approach this central symbol of Christianity, the Trinity, from the psychological point of view, I realize that I am trespassing on territory that must seem very far removed from psychology. But everything to do with …

Carl Jung on “Empirical Psychology” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on “Empirical Psychology” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Introduction Up to this point we have been treading on the consecrated ground of Kantian philosophy. But who will accompany us further if we choose to burst open the gates that bar our entrance into the “realm of darkness”? Is it not maddening when Kant himself says: “Experience cannot possibly teach us that there exist …