Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Carl Jung on the Spirituality of the Tree - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on the Spirituality of the Tree - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: [Carl Jung on the Spirituality of the Tree] Mrs. Baumann: I thought it was very interesting that in the prehistoric mythology of the island of Crete, of which practically nothing is known, there is another example of a world-tree. In a picture on a gold seal ring called the “Ring of Nestor,” the tree is …

Carl Jung and Symbols of Individuation - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung and Symbols of Individuation - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: [Carl Jung and Symbols of Individuation] Similar representations occur in practical psychology: these symbols are repeated fairly often in the beginning of the individuation process. I will show you the original of an unconscious picture which I used to illustrate one of my Eranos lectures! The patient herself is represented as grown fast to the …

Carl Jung: Unfortunately I am unable to thank you for sending me your book. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung: Unfortunately I am unable to thank you for sending me your book. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: To Pater Raymond Hostie Dear Pater, 25 April 1955 Unfortunately I am unable to thank you for sending me your book. As you know through Father Bruno, you criticize me as though I were a philosopher. But you know very well that I am an empiricist whose concepts have-as such-no content, since they …