Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Genesis and Promethean Guilt [Carl Jung] - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Genesis and Promethean Guilt [Carl Jung] - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Genesis represents the act of becoming conscious as a taboo infringement, as though knowledge meant that a sacrosanct barrier had been impiously overstepped. I think that Genesis is right in so far as every step towards greater consciousness is a kind of Promethean guilt: through knowledge, the gods are as it were robbed of their …

Genesis and Promethean Guilt [Carl Jung] - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Genesis and Promethean Guilt [Carl Jung] - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Genesis represents the act of becoming conscious as a taboo infringement, as though knowledge meant that a sacrosanct barrier had been impiously overstepped. I think that Genesis is right in so far as every step towards greater consciousness is a kind of Promethean guilt: through knowledge, the gods are as it were robbed of their …

Carl Jung on a piece of Greek sculpture - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on a piece of Greek sculpture - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: To Ronald J. Horton Dear Mr. Horton, 22 April 1955 The chance of seeing and enjoying the exquisite beauty of this unique piece of Greek sculpture has been a boon I have to thank you for. It is indeed a difficult task to identify the head. I am no archaeologist, and I cannot …