Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Carl Jung on Knowledge and Belief. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on Knowledge and Belief. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: To Walter Robert Corti Dear Herr Corti, 2 May 1955 At last I have found a quiet moment in which to finish reading your Mythopoese and to append my answer. The reading has to be fresh in my mind so that I can react properly. As always in such cases, it does not …

The Four Functions of Consciousness as a Compass - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

The Four Functions of Consciousness as a Compass - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: In this way we can orient ourselves with respect to the immediate world as completely as when we locate a place geographically by latitude and longitude. The four functions are somewhat like the four points of the compass; they are just as arbitrary and just as indispensable. Nothing prevents our shifting the cardinal points as …

Carl Jung's Dream Analysis Seminar Lecture IV 30 October 1929 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung's Dream Analysis Seminar Lecture IV 30 October 1929 - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: LECTURE IV 30 October 1929 We will continue our dream. The two committees are at work now digging up material for the next seminar, so I will refrain from discussing the cross and the crescent symbolism because we shall hear about that later. We have already spoken of the cauldron, but we remained entirely within …