Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Carl Jung on “Faust.” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on “Faust.” - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: To Karl Theens Dear Herr Theens, 25 April 1955 I would gladly comply with your kind invitation to contribute something to the literature on Faust were it not that my old age sets definite and, unfortunately, narrow limits to my working capacity. Faust II has been my companion all my life but it …

Carl Jung on Knowledge and Belief. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

Carl Jung on Knowledge and Belief. - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: To Walter Robert Corti Dear Herr Corti, 2 May 1955 At last I have found a quiet moment in which to finish reading your Mythopoese and to append my answer. The reading has to be fresh in my mind so that I can react properly. As always in such cases, it does not …

The Four Functions of Consciousness as a Compass - Carl Jung Depth Psychology

The Four Functions of Consciousness as a Compass - Carl Jung Depth Psychology: In this way we can orient ourselves with respect to the immediate world as completely as when we locate a place geographically by latitude and longitude. The four functions are somewhat like the four points of the compass; they are just as arbitrary and just as indispensable. Nothing prevents our shifting the cardinal points as …