Thursday, December 12, 2019

Jung defines his concept of the collective unconscious

Jung defines his concept of the collective unconscious: The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.9 Part 1 Jung defines his concept of the collective unconscious: Probably none of my empirical concepts has me…

Carl Jung: The powers of my depths are predetermination and pleasure.

Carl Jung: The powers of my depths are predetermination and pleasure.: [Note: Dr. Jung was lecturing on The Red Book as early as 1925. Evidence that The Red Book was not the “Secret” and “Hidden” book that is often erroneously asserted]In layer…

Carl Jung letter to Allen W. Dulles

Carl Jung letter to Allen W. Dulles: C.G. Jung Letters, Vol. 1: 1906-1950 To Allen W. Dulles My dear Dulles 11 February 1945 Since after my illness I get interested once more in the affairs of the world the various ways of prop…