Friday, January 24, 2020

The Entanglement is your Madness….~Carl Jung

The Entanglement is your Madness….~Carl Jung: The Red Book (Philemon) “It seems to me that I gave you a long time. Neither did I descend to you nor did I disturb your work. I lived …

The devil is the sum of the darkness of human nature. ~Carl Jung

The devil is the sum of the darkness of human nature. ~Carl Jung: The Red Book (Philemon) The devil is the sum of the darkness of human nature. He who lives in the light strives toward being the image…

Carl Jung on the Catholic Church.

Carl Jung on the Catholic Church.: Psychology and Religion (The Terry Lectures Series) [Carl Jung on the Catholic Church.] The Catholic Church, for instance, administers the sacraments for the purpose of bestowing their spiri…