Wednesday, August 12, 2020

James Kirsch: “Then He will open the ears of men” Tel Aviv, spring 1934

James Kirsch: “Then He will open the ears of men” Tel Aviv, spring 1934: Jung-Kirsch Correspondence It is widely understood in medicine at this time that neuroses are functional in nature, meaning that certain pathological symptoms cannot be traced back to anatomically …

James Kirsch: “Then He will open the ears of men” Tel Aviv, spring 1934

James Kirsch: “Then He will open the ears of men” Tel Aviv, spring 1934: Jung-Kirsch Correspondence It is widely understood in medicine at this time that neuroses are functional in nature, meaning that certain pathological symptoms cannot be traced back to anatomically …

Carl Jung and “You see, our whole mental life, our consciousness, began with projections.”

Carl Jung and “You see, our whole mental life, our consciousness, began with projections.”: Zarathustra Seminars [Carl Jung and “You see, our whole mental life, our consciousness, began with projections.”] You see, our whole mental life, our consciousness, began with projections. O…