Thursday, January 7, 2021

We [Elijah/Salome] are really together and are not symbols. We are real and together. ~Elijah

We [Elijah/Salome] are really together and are not symbols. We are real and together. ~Elijah: Black Books You do me wrong, Elijah is my father, and he knows the deepest mysteries, the walls of his house are made of precious stones, his wells hold healing water and his deep eye sees the thin…

Carl Jung: Hence I discriminate between the I and the self,..

Carl Jung: Hence I discriminate between the I and the self,..: Black Books Inasmuch as the I is only the center of my field of consciousness, it is not identical with the totality of my psyche, being merely a complex among other complexes. Hence I discriminate…

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Is there a moral issue involved in individuation?

Is there a moral issue involved in individuation?: Jung’s Typology Question: Is there a moral issue involved in individuation? Is it a question of perfection in a strictly moral sense? Von Franz: The process of individuation is an ethical pro…