Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Carl Jung: There is no consciousness without the discrimination of opposites.

Carl Jung: There is no consciousness without the discrimination of opposites.: Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious Nature seeks this goal and finds it fulfilled in man, but only in the most highly developed and most fully conscious man. Every advance, even the smallest, …

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Carl Jung: This was what Nietzsche experienced at the onset of his malady.

Carl Jung: This was what Nietzsche experienced at the onset of his malady.: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology The only person who escapes the grim law of enantiodromia is the man who knows how to separate himself from the unconscious, not by repressing it—for then it sim…

Miss Wolff: The Egyptian myth of Ra.

Miss Wolff: The Egyptian myth of Ra.: Zarathustra Seminars Miss Wolff: The Egyptian myth of Ra. Prof Jung: Yes, when Ra, the sun god, the king of the two Egypts, was making his way over the heavens, Mother Isis had prepared a wo…