Wednesday, June 23, 2021

What am I going to write? Everything is dark in front of me.

What am I going to write? Everything is dark in front of me.: The Black Books   XII. 13. 183 What am I going to write? Everything is dark in front of me. No shape, no bright and no dark. It is the gate to darkness. Who enters there, must grope what is cl…

Emma Jung Correspondence with Katy Cabot

Emma Jung Correspondence with Katy Cabot: Jung My Mother and I On her return to Zurich, towards the end of October, Katy must have sent Emma Jung a book, rather than her customary gift of flowers. Mrs. Jung writes: Kusnacht-Zurich Seestras…

…so it was really Mrs. Crowley’s animus speaking through Mr. Crowley.

…so it was really Mrs. Crowley’s animus speaking through Mr. Crowley.: Jung My Mother and I by Jane Cabot Reid June 21, 1935 (Longest day) This interview was so astounding and so profound that I can hardly write about it for it has made the most tremendous impression …