Monday, July 26, 2021

The Christian deity is one in three persons.

The Christian deity is one in three persons.: Psychology and Alchemy In Eastern symbolism the square—signifying the earth in China, the padma or lotus in India—has the character of the yoni: femininity. A man’s unconscious is likewise fe…

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Dr. June Singer Obituary

Dr. June Singer Obituary: June Singer Obituary   DR. JUNE SINGER, 85 Barbara Sherlock, Tribune staff reporterCHICAGO TRIBUNE It was happenstance that led Dr. June Singer to study the work of Carl Gustav Jung, the Swiss…

J.B. Rhine: Letters 1923-1939: ESP and the Foundations of Parapsychology

J.B. Rhine: Letters 1923-1939: ESP and the Foundations of Parapsychology: J.B. Rhine: Letters 1923-1939: ESP and the Foundations of Parapsychology For example, the following quotation is from a letter to Rhine that did not find its way into Jung’s two-volume set of…