Sunday, September 19, 2021

Modern Day Cannibalism as a “Supreme Act of Devotion.”

Modern Day Cannibalism as a “Supreme Act of Devotion.”: Visions Seminar In primitive legends the old mother in the West is often a sort of cannibal, and primitive man eats the flesh of the dead. He celebrates cannibal feasts as a sort of sympathetic mag…

Saturday, September 18, 2021

So the Pharaoh eats also the eyes of Horus, the white and the black eye.

So the Pharaoh eats also the eyes of Horus, the white and the black eye.: Visions Seminar 25 March 1931 Visions Seminar Lecture IX Last time we dealt with the symbol of the eye, which is a very widespread archetypal image; it appears in the history of the human mind at d…

What do you let yourself suffer through the suffering of another?

What do you let yourself suffer through the suffering of another?: Black Books III. 19. 132 Jung. My soul, it is hellishly difficult. Soul. It happens as it must. There is nothing more to say. I. But how must it happen? S. Should I foretell the future to you? Shou…