V. We come next to the four-headed Vajra and the quaternitas of the four elements united in one.
The Vajra is the incorruptible being, the diamond, corresponding to the lapis philosophorum in alchemy.
The four elements congeal, the separated are reunited; a unity, a centre appears.
The nearest conclusion would be to assume that this centre was the ego.
There are some passages in alchemistic books where it does seem to be the ego, but there are far more passages where it quite clearly is not.
It could not be the ego really, for that existed before, and this centre is formed from the conscious and unconscious.
I call this centre the Self.
It reaches far beyond the conscious, how far we do not know.
It is not just what we know of ourselves, but it includes the unconscious as well.
It is the great treasure, an eternal thing which can never be changed.
The ego changes all the time, it has every kind of illusion, but the Self is as it is,there is nothing we can alter in it.
The colour motif appears here, one old alchemist says there are so many colours that a man cannot imagine them, only a god can imagine them.
We see here how supernatural this being is, it has all colours, divine colours, which means all qualities, divine qualities.
We have the foundation for the Self in the Vajra and quaternitas, it is not yet animated but is represented as static condensed energy. ~Carl Jung, ETH, Page 176
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Great Sites to visit:
1. Jenna Lilla's Path of the Soul http://jennalilla.org/
2. Steve Jung-Hearted Parker's Jung Currents http://jungcurrents.com/
3. Frith Luton's Jungian Dream Analysis and Psychotherapy: http://frithluton.com/articles/
4. Lance S. Owens The Gnosis Archives http://gnosis.org/welcome.html
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