Küsnacht, 3rd June 1946
Talk with C.G.
We must descend if we are to ascend (St. Augustine).
About parables: the parable of the unjust steward – he must save his face, that’s the bug.
Parables are marvelous when read psychologically; burying the talent – not using what we have because of laziness or shyness, or lack of knowledge.
Then on to the doctrine of the trinity as mirrored in atomic physics; the atom is invisible, like the invisible things of the psyche, of the unconscious.
He is working on the relationship of atomic physics and the unconscious.
Of the Virgin Birth: God is born in the soul of man.
Christ was illegitimate and born virtually on a dunghill, yet the Son of God.
When you show people the myth it is therapeutic – they see the link with a wider experience, that they are not alone.
His illness was the result of working too hard and having two things, his patients and his writing.
Many tasks worried him because they were unfinished; then working at them he would be interrupted by the claims of patients.
The disorder lasted only about a week; but yesterday he was not well and could not see me.
He told me of a student who asked his professor, ‘How do you know there is a God?’
The professor had no answer and came and asked Jung!
This man is a great preacher, yet it’s all words, no real knowledge.
C.G. said, ‘I would have loved that question – there you have a student who can learn something.’ ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 39
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Great Sites to visit:
1. Jenna Lilla's Path of the Soul http://jennalilla.org/
2. Steve Jung-Hearted Parker's Jung Currents http://jungcurrents.com/
3. Frith Luton's Jungian Dream Analysis and Psychotherapy: http://frithluton.com/articles/
4. Lance S. Owen Gnosis Archive http://gnosis.org/welcome.html
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