Sunday, February 25, 2018

Wolfgang Pauli: 1 do hope that my questions won't put you to too much trouble.

Dear Professor Jung, 28 November 1936

I recently received your letter and most interesting essay.

I am pleased that you have been able to make so much use of my material.

I couldn't help smiling a little when you praised it so much, thinking to myself that it was the first time I had ever heard you address me in such a way.

I was personally amazed to learn how many parallels to the later development are already to be found in these early dreams.

And yet I read it as if it were a report from far-off days.

By way of my contribution to the parallels mentioned, I would like to mention just one point where I had the feeling that your dream interpretation was not entirely accurate. (As you can see, I still won't be "fobbed off" with just anything.)

I am referring to the interpretation of the seven and the ace of club in lines 13 and 16.

These two dreams have both a retrospective and a futural meaning.

In my seventh year my sister was born.

So the 7 is an indication of the birth of the anima.

(This appeared again in later dreams.)

I can also offer further evidence of the connection for me between the anima and number 7.

In a much later dream, the card with the 7 of diamonds came up, and it looked like this:


And then the "wise man" in the dream explained to me that this also meant M and referred to Mother and Mary,

And he said that the step from the personified Mary to the 7 of diamonds went much further than Catholicism (which fits in beautifully with your interpretation of "expelling" as excommunication) .

N,B. The diamond card is also a reference to the color of the sun, As for the ace of clubs, I am sure you are correct in relating it to the shape of the cross, but for me there does not seem to be such a direct connection to the Christian concept of God as there is for you.

In my view, this ace of clubs, which comes before the seven, is thus the "Origin of the birth of the anima," an indication of a Keplerian archetype of power, which appears much later as "Diocletian,· "Danton,· or "the duke who chases the maid.” (By the way: this interpretation also fits in with the retrospective meaning of the dream-and with the dark color of the club.)

What also struck me was Dream II, with the croquet ball that an smashes the mirror into pieces.

The mirror is, I feel, not just the intellect but consciousness in general.

The croquet ball reminds me of the wasp flying by and the smashing of the minor makes me think of the wasp's sting (the wasp's venom is always meant as inflationary, causing blindness).

One could say a lot about the cosmic aspect of the "Self" and the space-time problem that is bound up with it, but I don't want this letter to get too long.

Instead, I am going to write out a dream that I had immediately after reading your essay, so that you can see how my unconscious reacted to it (see enclosure).

It is also connected with the problems mentioned in my last dream

Thank you also for your last letter (of 14-X-35).'

I would like to hear sometime what you think about the collection of dreams (in the material 1 sent to you earlier), in which the dark anima asserts with a certain persistence that there is a "magical" connection between sexuality and eroticism on the one hand, and political or historical events on the other.

This is the aspect of the anima frequently represented in dreams as "Chinese."

I believe that there is also a connection with the workings of the Self that appears in the enclosed dream and which is represented as "diffraction of the molecular rays in the polar field" (see my last letter).

1 do hope that my questions won't put you to too much trouble.

Actually, 1 have spent very little time recently on dreams and the unconscious, and only rarely do I write my dreams down.

I am generally in good health, and things seem to be fairly stable in that respect.

Breaking away from you and from analysis made things rather difficult for me for a while, but that seems to be allover now.

Once again, many thanks for your essay and the trouble you have taken.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely, W. PAULI ~Wolfgang Pauli, Atom and Archetype, Pages 15-16

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