Carl Jung: The feminine mind is pictorial and symbolic and comes close to what the ancients called Sophia.

To Dr. S.

Dear Colleague, 22 March 1935

The working out of the dreams you sent me contains all the viewpoints needed for their interpretation.

In other words, you have found an adequate interpretation through your discussion of them.

I would only add that there is obvious alteration of the anima figure.

That may also be the reason why she seems to vanish away.

She disappears in her earlier form and grows clearer in another, which very often happens in the course of this process.

She can change from a child into an old woman and from an animal into a goddess.

If she is old, this is an indication that one's consciousness has become considerably more childish.

If she is young, then one is too old in one's conscious attitude.

The puerilization of the conscious attitude should not be understood as a regression; it is often necessary in order to produce an unprejudiced, naive, receptive consciousness.

This is needed to understand the spiritual side of the anima figure.

I won't say anything more about this so as not to anticipate your further work along these lines.

The psoriasis of the anima figure is due to certain contents which the anima has within her, as though in the blood, and which sweat out on the surface.

This is also indicated by the snakelike patterns of the psoriasis.

It is a kind of painting that appears on the skin.

Very often this points to the need to portray certain contents or states graphically, and in colour.

This is sometimes necessary because they cannot be grasped conceptually but only concretely.

This "art" activity is also indicated by the fact that the anima discovers all sorts of feminine handicrafts in her trunk.

That is to say, all these works of the anima are products of the feminine mind in a man.

The feminine mind is pictorial and symbolic and comes close to what the ancients called Sophia.

No fee required.

With best regards,

Yours sincerely,

C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 189
