Carl Jung: But now I am grown so old that I can let go my grip on the world,

To Jolande Jacobi

Dear Dr. Jacobi, 25 August 1960

I was very impressed and pleased to hear that my autobiographical sketches have conveyed to you something of what my outer side has hitherto kept hidden.

It had to remain hidden because it could not have survived the brutalities of the outside world.

But now I am grown so old that I can let go my grip on the world, and its raucous cries fade in the distance.

The dream you have called back to my memory anticipates the content and setting of the analysis in a miraculous way. Who knew that and who arranged it?

Who envisioned and; grasped it, and forcibly expressed it in a great dream-image?

He who has insight into this question knows whereof he speaks when he tries to interpret the psyche. With cordial greetings,
Yours sincerely,

C.G. Jung, Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 585

Note: J . retold a "big dream" of hers in 1927 which had the character of an initiation.

It is reported in her The Way of lndividuation. (1967), pp. 76f.
