Saturday, April 7, 2018

Carl Jung: It is an omen or presage of coming events.

Dr. Jung: Yes, she was in fact dead.

I think you have got Noot, Billali, and Holly rightly placed, that is, as figures of the wise old man.

Holly is the most human of them.

Haggard is inclined to identify himself with the wise old man through Holly, but there is more of pedantry

than real wisdom in the figure of Holly.

It is rather typical that Holly should have explored the graves while Leo was about to die.

You spoke of a passage about a unicorn and a goose, where was that?

Dr. Harding: No, not a unicorn, but a goose that was shot after the fight between the Lion and the Crocodile.

The goose had a spur on its head and I said it associated to the unicorn.

Dr. Jung: The killing of the goose is surely the same motive as that in the Grail story, as you indicated.

It is an omen or presage of coming events.

The ancients always thought of coming events as having shadows cast in front of them.

Here we have an animal killed, a mythological animal in fact—that is, instinct.

When it is killed, someone will become conscious.

In the story of Percival, the unconscious hero Percival becomes conscious through the shooting of the swan.

In She the heroes awake to a realization of the extraordinary things ahead of them.

A bird is a mind animal, symbolically, so the unconsciousness is in the mind.

One word more on the theme of immortality.

It is intimately linked up with the anima question.

Through the rela􀢢on to the anima one obtains the chance of greater consciousness.

It leads to a realization of the self as the totality of the conscious and the unconscious functions.

This realization brings with it a recognition of the inherited plus the new units that go to make up the self.

That is to say, when we once grasp the meaning of the conscious and the unconscious together, we become aware of the ancestral lives that have gone into the making of our own lives. Carl Jung, 1925 Seminar, Pages 153-154

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