Monday, March 20, 2017

Carl Jung on the “Bible” – Anthology.

The words of the Bible and the sayings of Christ are paradox. We too must be paradox, for only then do we live our lives, only then do we reach completeness and integration of our personalities. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 40.

Some examples of editorial slips made by the Church in the Bible:
"Ye will be as gods!"
"When thou art alone then I am with thee."
“If thou would 'st pray enter into thy chamber ..."
The parable of the unjust steward. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 45.

One finds, besides, a lot of things about this in the Bible itself: there are more things in the Bible than the theologians can admit. ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 410-423

We must read the Bible or we shall not understand psychology. Our psychology, whole lives, our language and imagery are built upon the Bible. ~Carl Jung, The Visions Seminar Vol. 1; Page 156.

If, aside from your work, you read a good book, as one reads the Bible, it can become a bridge for you leading inwards, along which good things may flow to you such as you perhaps cannot now imagine. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 434.

The words of the Bible and the sayings of Christ are paradox. We too must be paradox, for only then do we live our lives, only then do we reach completeness and integration of our personalities. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 40.

The Bible says, "Whosoever shall say "Racha" to his brother is guilty of hellfire." If we substitute "shadow" for "brother" and implicate the dark brother within, we open out this biblical word into new perspectives. ~Carl Jung, Jung-Ostrowski, Page 25.

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