Carl Jung on how to use Active Imagination.

The initial question to be directed. . . would be: "Who or what has come alive? . .

Who or what has entered my psychic life and created disturbances and wants to be heard?"

To this you should add: "let it speak!"

Then switch off your noisy consciousness and listen quietly inwards and look at the images that appear before your inner eye, or hearken to the words which the muscles of your speech apparatus are trying to form.

Write down what then comes without criticism.

Images should be drawn or painted assiduously no matter whether you can do it or not.

Once you have got at least fragments of these contents, then you may meditate on them afterwards.

Don’t criticize anything away!

If any questions arise, put them to the unconscious again the next day.

Don’t be content with your own explanations no matter how intelligent they are. . . .

Treat any drawings the same way.

Meditate on them afterwards and every day go on developing what is unsatisfactory about them.

The important thing is to let the unconscious take the lead. Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 28-29.

Our dreams propel us into a landscape of universal symbols, which can speak both to our deepest personal realizes and to the collective archetypal world that underpins them. Claire Dunne, Wounded Healer of the Soul, Page 86.
