Friday, March 10, 2017

Carl Jung: On the whole I prefer people knowing all they can about themselves when in conspectu mortis.

Dear Reverend Mother, 19 October 1960

According to your wish I wrote, as soon as I got your letter, to Dr. Rudin, S.J. (the director of the Institutum Apologeticum in Zurich) , who knew Victor White, asking for his cooperation.

Thus I hope your wish will be granted.

It was perhaps just as well that my message did not reach V.W. any more. It might have worried him.

When I wrote my explanation I was not yet informed of the seriousness of his condition, and from his reaction I only saw that he did not understand what I meant, which was not astonishing under the circumstances.

On the whole I prefer people knowing all they can about themselves when in conspectu mortis. But the moment was ill chosen.

Don’t worry too much about it, as V.W. received my real message and was not able to understand it any more. My message to you was only an attempt to pacify his mind about my intentions.

I was afraid he might be unduly worried about the letter he could not understand.

I have now seen quite a number of people die in the time of a great transition, reaching as it were the end of their pilgrimage in sight of the Gates, where the way bifurcates to the land of Hereafter and to the future of mankind and its spiritual adventure.

You had a glimpse of the Mysterium Magnum.

Yours sincerely,

C.G. Jung

P. S. I have just received Dr. Rudin’s answer. He himself will celebrate the mass. Carl Jung, Letters Vol.II, Pages 603-604

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