Young children have a consciousness which is remarkable.
I find the psychology of little children exceedingly difficult; their dreams, for instance, are amazingly difficult. One would assume that they would be quite simple but they are far from that.
Of course some are obvious, but they have an unusual number of great dreams, and great visions too, and to deal with them requires an hypothesis which makes one quite dizzy.
One has to assume that they have a consciousness of the collective unconscious, an amazing thing.
It makes little children seem quite old, like people who have lived a full life and who have a very profound idea of what
consciousness really is.
Hence the saying: fools and children speak the truth. It is because they know it.
Children have the vision still hanging over them of things which they have never seen, and could not possibly have seen, and
which are in accordance with the theory of reincarnation.
It is just as if reminiscences of a former life were carried over into this life, or from the ancestral life perhaps, we don’t know.
I could tell you children’s dreams which are simply uncanny, and if you want to interpret them at all, you have to use uncanny means.
They cannot be explained even by the psychology of the parents.
They must come from the psychology of the collective unconscious; one could say they were remnants of things they had seen before they were born, and that is really vision.
I know a case where a vision affected a whole life.
Individuals can be stunted all through their lives by a vision in childhood.
Such children are not quite born—their birth takes place much later, when they can detach.
But many people are never quite born; they live in the flesh but a part of them is still in what Lamaistic philosophy would call the Bardo, in
the life between death and birth, and that prenatal state is filled with extraordinary visions. Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 424.
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