Arst Mary Crile visited Jung in that period.
The last me I saw Jung face to face. . .
I found him much aged but there was the same kindly twinkle behind those penetrating eyes of his.
When he said, "Pull up your chair, for I am geng deaf and old and stupid," I could not help smiling as I reminded him that he had made exactly the same remark to me, just eleven years earlier.
He replied with a chuckle "Well, it doesn’t seem to get any better.". . .
When I asked him what he was writing he said, "My biography. . . .
It is purgatory. Frau Jaffe is writing it but I must check it all because no one knows someone else’s life.
I have done the first twenty years because one can be more objecve there."
He paused and then added thoughtfully, "I don’t know the meaning of life."
As he said this I felt that, even for Jung, who more than anyone else in our day saw life steadily and saw it whole, there still remained an unsolved mystery. Mary Crile,Wounded Healer of the Soul, Pages 194-195.
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