Monday, April 9, 2018

Victor White: " I am just indescribably lonely, and it’s some relief to me to tell you. . . ."

My dear C. G., November 8, 1953

The dilemma, reduced to its simplest terms, seems complete and insoluble.

If Christ is no longer an adequate and valid symbol of the Self, and in fact very inadequate, one-sided, unintegrated and harmful, then must not one choose—at whatever cost?

Faith in him, it seems to me, must be unconditional; once one “criticizes Christ” one has lost faith in him, and one cannot in honesty preach him any more.

And one has lost any sense of oneness that one ever had with one’s community, with the Church, with the “cause” that animates them. . . .

So I tell myself from time to time that, whatever the cost, I must get out. . . . I am just indescribably lonely, and it’s some relief to me to tell you. . . .
I must confess there are times when I wish to heaven I had never heard of your psychology (and some of your disciples); and yet I tremble to think what would have happened if I hadn’t!

Ever Cordially,

Victor Jung-White Letters, Pages 216-217.

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