Saturday, April 21, 2018

Victor White’s first letter to Dr. Jung

Dear Professor Jung,

Although I have never had the honor to meet you (outside of my dreams), I am taking the very great liberty of

sending you some of my writings concerning your psychology, written from the Catholic point of view.

I doubt, of course, that you will have time or inclination to read them, let alone comment on them; but should you ever do so, it would be a great help to me and any future work I am able to do if I could be shown any points on which I have positively misunderstood you.

I might mention. . . that I am personally one of the very many who owe to you and your disciples in England an immense debt of gratitude. . . .

Yours very obediently, gratefully, Fr. Victor White, O.P. The Jung – White Letters, Page 3

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