Sunday, May 21, 2017

Carl Jung: You must be conscious of two things, of what you are and what the mood is.

Mr. Allemann: If you go into the mood, you are not aware of your Self. If you are too unconscious, you are not conscious of the separateness of
the Self from the mood.

Dr. Jung:

Well, as soon as you are conscious of your Self as separate from the mood, the Self helps you to protect yourself against dismemberment by the following fact: you are confronted with two things, the mood or the emotion or whatever it is on the one side, and the Self on the other.

You must be conscious of two things, of what you are and what the mood is.

You can say: "This mood is myself, it belongs to me," and then you lose sight of the Self, you are identical with the mood and you are gone, you are away, and quite unprotected.

Or you can say: "Yes, this mood belongs to me, it is part of myself, but I am also conscious of the Self," and then you are protected.

So it is a subtle mental operation in that you are conscious of two things.

One is always inclined to be conscious of one thing only, just the thing which is actually there.

Now it is of course very important to be able to realize what is there, to be able to put yourself wholeheartedly into a situation and fill it with your whole being; yet you must never forget your Self, you must always keep your Self in mind. And that seems to be a superior condition.

Why is it a superior condition to think of two things instead of one? ~Carl Jung, Vision Seminar, Page 1299-1300

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