The Rosicrucians probably represented a half-baked attempt to make up for the dry Protestantism of that day with its lack of imagination. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 240
Henri IV of France said, "My ideal is that every French peasant has his chicken in the pot on Sunday." I say, "Every man must be concerned with his own morality, and not with the welfare of other people." ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 218
The spirit was there before man's consciousness. It makes people do certain things in certain ways that you can never explain. Animals do not lift their paws to the rising sun, but men do. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 221
The new Gnostic churches are all new inventions of old things, like soup warmed up again, they have no direct relation. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 240
King's Gnostics and Their Remains and Mead's Fragments of a Faith Forgotten are two books dealing with the old Gnostics. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 240
The last trace ()f the Gnostic. teaching. probably died out with the Cathar and the Albigenses. They were the Manichaeans; Gnostics called Bougres in France. "Bougre" derives from the word for Bulgarian and came into southern France. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 240
Some people, and particularly introverts, always put the wrong foot forward. They have a particular genius for putting their finger on the sore spot. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 258
In Christianity we are taught to throw all our burdens on Jesus, and he will bear them for us, and in such a way we maintain a suckling psychology. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 263
Yellow is the colour of envy, jealousy, anger, all things negative with us but in the East just the opposite. There is a reversal between the East and the West. The colour of mourning with us is black, there it is white. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 268
Wagner for instance never realized, while he was sitting there writing about Siegfried, that he was revealing his own shadow for anyone who saw him to look at. He wore a crinoline while hammering out the sword of Siegfried! ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 283
As soon as you see your own shadow and admit that you are not perfect, you cannot identify yourself with the "Great Wise Man" and create a Puer Aeternus with your anima. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 283
The old mystical meaning of Christ was the perfect man who was the realization of the gnostic Adam Kadmon,the Primordial Man, lifted up and perfected to the most perfect man. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 286
We have all been taught that our minds and other virtues are wings we put on, so we get to flying about above ourselves, and we live as if the body did not exist. This happens often with intuitives, with everybody in fact. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 288
It is quite possible that it is a quotation from some magic book in a sort of Hebrew. The Gnostics fabricated any number of them in faulty Syriac, Aramaic, Hebrew, and Greek, even inventing artificial words. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 293
We consist of a lot of particles which must come together as in the magic cauldron or melting-pot where all the dissociated parts of our personality are welded together. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 294
In the beginning everything was in the form of a vaporous cloud, so he drew that together till it became more and more condensed, and suddenly a light burnt through, and that was the Son, the first ray of Light. (Cf. The Gospel of St. John.) ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 612.
The idea that God was perfectly helpless and lost in his loneliness and had to create man in order to become or to be is expressed in many myths or philosophical parabola, and thus is explained how man is in a way the indispensable means of God's becoming. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 612.
That is beautifully expressed by Meister Eckhart where he says that God in his very divinity is not God, he must be born through the soul of man again and again. "Without me God cannot live." ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 612
Look at the men in Wall Street! At forty-five they are completely exhausted. Modern life in America is more efficient than in any place in the world, but it completely destroys the man. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 621-622
I don't say that we should accept an Eastern philosophy. Many people do go in for Indian theosophy and such stuff, but I am an opponent of that because I know that for us it is not healthy. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 622.
One could say that Eastern psychology suffers from an introversion neurosis. All those terrible epidemics out there, or the awful famines, and the fact that the West is able to conquer those peoples, all that is a sort of rebellion of objects against their introversion. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 622
We speak of Chinese philosophy in terms of the highest appreciation but we forget how cruel the Chinese are. I am glad that such things do not happen with us, though since the Great War we can say nothing. We have organized cruelty; there they do it in a more dilettantic way. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 623.
If the personal unconscious is cleared up, there is no particular pressure, and you will not be terrorized; you stay alone, read, walk, smoke, and nothing happens, all is “just so,” you are right with the world. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis, Page 75.
Doubt is the crown of life because truth and error come together. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 89.
Doubt is living, truth is sometimes death and stagnation. ~Carl Jung, Dream Analysis Seminar, Page 89.
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