Carl Jung: "Jung: His Life and Work" by Barbara Hannah Quotations

You see, he [Carl Jung] never took anything from me to give to Toni, but the more he gave her the more he seemed able to give me. ~Emma Jung, Jung: His Life and Work by Barbara Hannah, Page 119.

But looking at the buildings which had sprung up like mushrooms all around his garden, he once said to me sadly: “When I look at all that, I feel I have outlived my age.” ~Barbara Hannah, Jung: His Life and Work, Page 28

As long as he was still of the required age, Jung was very enthusiastic about his military service. ~Barbara Hannah, Jung: His Life and Work, Page 31

And, though he was as a rule not musical, if someone began to sing an old military song, he Would join in with the enthusiasm of a boy. ~Barbara Hannah, Jung: His Life and Work, Page 31

Jung often used to say that it is the fate of neutrals to be abused by both sides. ~Barbara Hannah, Jung: His Life and Work, Page 37

The dream at the end of Jung’s school days taught him that he must leave his No. 2 personality behind and go out into the world exclusively in his No. 1 personality. ~Barbara Hannah; Jung: His Life and His Work, Page 306

He could never deny the existence of his No. 2 personality nor of the latter’s eternal world, but during the whole of his time at Basel University and during the nine years at Burghölzli he gave his full attention to No. 1 and its world: the outer. ~Barbara Hannah; Jung: Life and His Work, Page 306
