Carl Jung: I could never have published what I have discovered without a highly differentiated language

Carl Jung: I could never have published what I have discovered without a highly differentiated language: Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group Letters Volume II To Traugott Egloff Dear Herr Egloff, 23 April 1957 Many thanks for your kind letters, which I greatly enjoyed. It would indeed be desirable if my ideas could be expressed in a simple form everyone could understand. In conversation with certain individuals I can do this… #CarlJung, #Alchemy, #Anima, #Animus, #Archetype, #Feminine, #Woman, #CollectiveUnconscious, #Dreams, #Ego, #Introvert, #Jungian, #Mythology, #Persona, #Shadow, #God, #Religion, #Christ, #Buddhism, #Freud, #Psyche, #Types, #Spirituality, #Synchronicity
