Carl Jung on why Prayers are very necessary

Carl Jung on why Prayers are very necessary: Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group C.G. Jung Letters, Vol. 1: 1906-1950 Anonymous Dear N. N., 10 September 1 943 Here I send you merely a greeting to tell you that I have understood your letter. I have thought much about prayer. It-prayers-are very necessary because it makes the Beyond we conjecture and think about… #CarlJung, #Alchemy, #Anima, #Animus, #Archetype, #Feminine, #Woman, #CollectiveUnconscious, #Dreams, #Ego, #Introvert, #Jungian, #Mythology, #Persona, #Shadow, #God, #Religion, #Christ, #Buddhism, #Freud, #Psyche, #Types, #Spirituality, #Synchronicity
