Errors and Omissions by Nan Savage Healy in “Toni Wolff & C. G. Jung: A Collaboration”

Errors and Omissions by Nan Savage Healy in “Toni Wolff & C. G. Jung: A Collaboration”: Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group. Come Join Us. Toni Wolff & C. G. Jung: A Collaboration It is true that Toni Wolff and many of the early pioneers in Depth Psychology have never received the recognition they deserve but to lay this at Dr. Jung's door is quite unjustified as proven by a letter… # #CarlJung, #Alchemy, #Anima, #Animus, #Archetype, #Feminine, #Woman, #CollectiveUnconscious, #Dreams, #Ego, #Introvert, #Jungian, #Mythology, #Persona, #Shadow, #God, #Religion, #Christ, #Buddhism, #Freud, #Psyche, #Types, #Spirituality, #Synchronicity
