Toni Wolff: An immediate cause of death would look to me as coming from the ego complex.

Toni Wolff: An immediate cause of death would look to me as coming from the ego complex.: Zarathustra Seminars Miss Wolff: Was not the question rather whether there were causes extraneous to the self that could cause death? Could you not take for example certain cases of suicide or accident which an outsider would say might have been avoided if that person had known more-if he had not had a depression or… #CarlJung, #Alchemy, #Anima, #Animus, #Archetype, #Feminine, #Woman, #CollectiveUnconscious, #Dreams, #Ego, #Introvert, #Jungian, #Mythology, #Persona, #Shadow, #God, #Religion, #Christ, #Buddhism, #Freud, #Psyche, #Types, #Spirituality, #Synchronicity
