
"Free will," he [Jung] said, "is doing gladly and freely that which one must do."

Carl Jung: Lao tse speaks of our Original Nature.

Bess Bolton: Memory of Toni Wolff

Carl Jung: Astrologically the fish is deaf and dumb.

Jane Wheelwright: "Jung was a mountain of a man - big enough to encompass every kind of person imaginable"

Carl Jung: Dr. Jung advised me to spend most of my time alone, have a separate room in the house to be used for nothing but inner work,

Gustav Dreifuss: Memory of C.G. Jung:

Rabbi David Zeller: It Furthers One To See The Great Man.

Carl Jung: One must remember, over the animal is the god; with the god, is the god's animal.

Peter C. Lynn: Emma Jung was still actively teaching at the Institute

Roland Caen: Jung spoke of Freud always with much esteem and admiration

Gustav Drei Fuss: Memory of C.G. Jung