Showing posts with label Absolute Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Absolute Knowledge. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Carl Jung and "Absolute Knowledge" - Anthology

Man’s consciousness is receptive to what Jung called ‘absolute knowledge’ a cosmic principle or quasi intelligence outside the psyche.

All thinking which takes place in the ego obscures this ‘knowledge”.

A quieting of the ego is required before one can approach it. Marie Louise von Franz, Aurora Consurgens, (Page number needed)

The meaning that unites these inner and outer happenings consists of knowledge unmediated by the sense or- gans.

This quality of knowledge is what Jung calls ’absolute knowledge,’ since it seems to be detached from our consciousness. [CW 8, par. 148] Marie Louise Von Franz, Number and Time, Page 35.

The ’absolute knowledge’ which is characteristic of synchronistic phenomena, a knowledge not mediated by the sense organs, supports the hypothesis of a selfsubsistent meaning, or even expresses its existence. Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 445-449

The lowering of consciousness means on the other hand an approach to the unconscious, and because the unconscious seems to have access to this "absolute knowledge," information can be mediated which can no longer be explained rationally and causally. Carl Jung letter to S. Wieser, 6July151

The unconscious has a kind of absolute knowledge, but we cannot prove it is an absolute knowledge, because the Absolute, the Eternal, is transcendental. Carl Jung, Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 375-391.