Showing posts with label E.A. Bennett. Show all posts
Showing posts with label E.A. Bennett. Show all posts

Sunday, February 18, 2018

E.A. Bennet: C.G. told me to read Dr. Zhivago, a novel by the Russian, Pasternak; it was a wonderful picture of the anima.

Küsnacht, 20th March 1959

Arrived at the Hauptbahnhof at 2.20 p.m. and was met by Ruth Bailey and Müller [Jung’s chauffeur] and so to Küsnacht.

Tea on the verandah.

C.G. is in good form and looking very fit.

He was interested at seeing the dredger arriving, apparently to dredge by the Strandbad.

After tea he went to see a patient and I visited Barbara Hannah.

Back at the Seestrasse C.G., Ruth and I strolled in the garden before dinner and had a look at two magnolia trees, one of which was planted last year.

Then we went on through the garden to the lake.

I asked about a cross which is nailed to the summer house and he said it was from a churchyard (I wonder where).

We had a pleasant chat at dinner.

C.G. was glad he had finished work for the term and had only one or two people to see.

I reminded him of the man we had met in St. Gallen who told us of the river in flood and his (C.G.’s) remark, ‘These extraverts are quite useful!’, and he laughed heartily.

Later we went upstairs to the study.

He arranged – ‘as usual’ he said – the chair for me under the lamp by his writing table, and he sat by the window reading the evening paper and smoking a cigar; he gave me one.

On his writing table is an object I have seen before, sent to him by the Indian Psychiatric Society; it is a carved wooden lotus which opens.

They also sent him, years ago, a dhoti of cotton which he once put on with much difficulty and amusement.

There is also a metal statue of Buddha on the table.

Another feature in the main study is the large Swiss stove of green tiles; this one is quite an architectural feature as it is fitted at an angle.

These stoves are easily lit and use little fuel, usually wood.

Behind where I sit are the books on alchemy – a remarkable collection.

When C.G. had finished with the newspaper he played patience on a board on his knee, sitting with his feet up on another chair.

We sit quite silently, a very peaceful scene.

He likes to be quiet in the evenings and let his mind unbend, uncoil.

21st March 1959

After breakfast C.G. and I sat in the garden in the sun and he read my Introduction and part of Chapter 2.

He made a few comments as he read.

His father was Lutheran, but of the Basel Reformed Church.

There were variations between Geneva (Calvin) and Zürich (Zwingli) – the latter was very rational; wooden vessels were used at communion and there were no ornaments, whereas at Basel they were more ritualistic, or more old fashioned.

Coming to my notes about his childhood dream of the underground chamber he said what a tremendous impression it had made upon him.

A red carpet led to the dais, just a strip, and on it was a large golden throne.

He said that the object which stood upon it, which he took to be a tree trunk, was about four times his height – twelve or fifteen feet – and he corrected my manuscript in pencil accordingly.

It had an eye like a demonic god, and his terror at this apparition intensified when his mother’s voice called from outside, ‘Just look at him, he’s the man-eater!’

He told me that he had been writing an autobiography of the first twenty-five years of his life but he was hesitant to publish it because it could so easily be misunderstood, and this could disturb many people who depended upon him.

He said it was only two years ago, while he was working on this autobiography, that he suddenly linked the three early episodes of his dream of the cave, the priest and funerals.

He often saw funerals for the churchyard was near their house; only at these services did the men appear with polished shoes,
black clothes and tall hats.

In his mind he linked the dream of the cave with a tomb – like Jesus in the tomb – and with the priest; he thought the priest
was a woman.

Throughout the years these experiences had been ‘islands of consciousness’ and now he saw the connection between them for the first time.

As a small child he was taught to pray that Jesus would look after, keep safe, this chicken (himself) and put his wings over him.

There was some link between the idea of a chicken and a little cake, and God would not eat the cake.

But the devil would eat any amount of cakes like this.

All these reflections of his were a secret for he thought his parents would not know these things nor understand them; so this separated them from him.

He associated his mother’s words in the dream of the cave – ‘That is the maneater’ – with the priest, and it was absolutely terrifying.

Then, much later, in the dream in Basel he saw that he must accept the strange idea of God treating the Church with disrespect.

What would a scientist think of such ideas?

For him they were impressive and a source of development.

In the afternoon we drove to Bollingen, C.G., Ruth and I.

It took half an hour.

The Tower looked its best in the warm sunshine and we walked around.

C.G. took me to see his carving of Attis at the end of the path near the boat house.

The carving, in stone, was a small pillar and had on it Tô ATTEI – to Attis.

It was set in the midst of anemones, small wild ones, and C.G. said this was the flower of Attis.

He spoke of the story of Attis as one of the most beautiful in antiquity and classed it with that of Apollo and Demeter.

On the wall of the Tower he had made a new carving of a woman kneeling; he said she was the mother of Attis.

While we were there C.G. spent much of the time sitting beside a little stream which comes from two springs and runs down to the lake.

He had a tool which he said was used by shepherds – a small spade, part of which stood up to make a crook; he had it fixed to a polo stick with a thong at the end.

The stick was long and he sat by the stream and cleared the channel with the spade so that the
water flowed freely.

I asked why he did this and he said he found it was relaxing and let his mind work; he liked to be beside the flowing water which suggested the flow of life and ideas.

Ruth said he often did this when, as now, the water in the lake is low.

After the snows melt the lake rises and the little streams are usually covered.

When he is reflecting in this way C.G. likes to be silent and alone.

He never finds it irksome to be alone.

22nd March 1959

We went for a drive to see the grounds which are being prepared for the coming exhibition; it will be held on either side of the lake and connected by a cable railway which is now being constructed.

C.G. wanted to see this and we walked round.

He is very interested in such a thing; also in old buildings and houses.

From the site of the exhibition we drove down the Sihl Valley and had coffee with Müller joining us.

Then we returned over the Albis Pass.

C.G. took great pleasure in the natural surroundings, the trees, the little lake Türler, and in the various views of Zürich.

When we got back we walked round the garden and he looked at every plant and flower.

I asked whether he had met James Joyce, and he had done so.

He remarked that his writing in Ulysses was brilliant at times; he mentioned particularly the detailed description of a piece of paper floating down the river to the sea which he had quoted in his paper on Ulysses.

After tea C.G. and I sat in the front garden just behind the wall.

I asked some questions about the origin and development of his theory of types.

Later he talked of kinship libido, the natural bond between people, the link they need to prevent isolation, to be aware of belonging with others of like interest and awareness.

23rd March 1959

C.G. told me to read Dr. Zhivago, a novel by the Russian, Pasternak; it was a wonderful picture of the anima.

‘You don’t know who she is, she’s not quite real, too good to be true; and there’s something wrong somewhere.’

In the library in the evening he said to Ruth, ‘If you want to know what the anima is you must read that book!’

In Dr. Zhivago the anima is absolutely typical, and he (Pasternak) did not know what she was.

Before dinner C.G., Ruth and I went for a walk to the little park by the Strandbad pier.

He had just seen a French professor who was very concerned about the real truth of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, the historical Jesus; this man knew all the various versions and was in doubt about the truth.

C.G. told him, and repeated to us, an experience he and members of the British Association had when he was in India.

They were near Darjeeling, and went up Signal Hill, a well-known place, to watch the sunset.

They had the good fortune to get an absolutely clear view of Kanchenjunga which is rare, for the high mountain is usually in

On Signal Hill is a mound of stones; they are reddish in colour being painted with red oxide of lead, and the Mohammedans pour ghee over them.

The red represents blood.

There are also many very tall bamboos – ‘as high as the electric standards,’ he said, pointing to one in the road.

These trees were hung all over with little flags printed with a horse (a special horse which he described but I could not get the details) for this had been a sacred place for many many centuries, since long before Mohammed.

It was a marvellous spectacle with the valley in shadow and then the bluish-purple, and out of it all the brilliant fiery setting of
the sun.

Everyone gazed spellbound at this striking scene, and one of the members of the British Association muttered ‘Phew!’ – an involuntary exclamation of awe. C.G. said to him, ‘What is it that you do?

You are uttering quite spontaneously the exclamation of awe which has been uttered for countless centuries, and you
don’t know it!’

There was quite a crowd there and Barker, the professor of English from Cambridge, said, ‘Now Jung, you must know the famous passage in Faust about the setting sun!’

And Jung did know it, and recited it.

It was a most impressive and highly unscientific spectacle, he said.

He repeated the passage from Goethe to us as we sat in the little shed by the pier where, as often before, we had sat after a similar stroll.

‘But,’ C.G. went on to tell us, ‘here was a living myth, for the mountain lit by the sun is said to be the wife of Vishnu; and the myth
gives the story and the experience meaning.

That is what myths are.’

He spoke of the stupidity of an Anglican parson who had visited him and talked of ‘trying to get Truth’, as if
he could get it in a form he would be able to understand and that it would not be truth otherwise.

In the evening when we were sitting in the library he asked Ruth to show me the pictures in an Italian paper of flying saucers.

He had got this paper from an Italian who had taken a photograph of a flying saucer in 1952; he had been thrown out of his photographic club because it was assumed to be a false picture, but recently it has been accepted.

C.G. knows a lady in southern Switzerland who is the secretary of an organization which records observations of UFOs, and she sends him reports about them.

One was a photograph, which he showed me, of a typical UFO; he had written on the back that it had been taken by an eighteen-year-old girl, the daughter of a parson in California.

She had, so he wrote, put her camera in the fork of a tree for a time exposure, and later came to terminate it.

When the negative was developed there was the flying saucer.

Apparently she had not seen it.

24th March 1959

In the morning we drove to a high point above Küsnacht and sat in the sun and had coffee.

On our return C.G. and I sat in the front garden.

I asked about Ernest Jones’s remark that on an early visit to Freud he (C.G.) had demonstrated poltergeist phenomena.

He said this was utter nonsense; he knew the statement had been made by Freud.

The basis of it was this: at the close of their first talk, which lasted thirteen hours, he felt disappointed because the
discussion had been restricted by Freud’s insistence on explaining everything only in terms of sexuality.

C.G. had been thrilled to meet and talk with him and at the end of the conversation he was still full of unresolved expectations.

Suddenly there was a loud cracking in the bookcase above Freud’s head, a formidable crash as if the wood were expanding and the whole thing coming down. Freud looked up startled, and C.G. said, ‘What do you make of that?’

He knew at once that it was an extracorporeal expression of a psychic situation and that it would happen again, though he did not know why.

But he told Freud, ‘It will happen again,’ and at once it did.

Freud was aghast though he would not say so; he tried to dismiss it as nothing.

But it was a real crash and C.G. told him at the time that it was significant.

They examined the bookcase and there was nothing to see.

C.G. had had experience of similar incidents – extra-corporeal effects, he called them – and added that these parapsychological things are exteriorised affects and happen like complexes – that is they are projected.

The crash affected Freud very much but he never sought to explain it.

‘If I had never asked Why? in the word association tests,’ said C.G., ‘I would never have discovered the complexes.

But Freud brushed these things aside.

There is now an Institute for Parapsychology at Freibourg and the Director comes to consult me.’

A similar incident had happened with Eugen Bleuler and when C.G. mentioned parapsychological phenomena to him he said it was all nonsense; but twenty years later he became a spiritualist and had many experiences of this kind.

C.G. described the crash in the bookcase as a synchronistic event, as acausal.

It could not be explained; but it happened, of that there was no doubt.

It gave him an odd feeling: ‘Now look out! – there might be a split between us.’

We went on to talk of dreams and I mentioned my idea of making dreams and clinical material central in what I would write; he thought this quite a good plan.

Speaking of dreams he said we must always ask ‘Whose dream?’

It was always an individual matter, we cannot generalise; we develop guidelines but not laws.

For Freud all dreams were wish fulfilments, and he looked on the dream as a means of preserving sleep.

C.G. thought that more often than not they failed to keep us asleep.

He talked for a while about Laufe, his early home above the Rhine Falls.

Then at tea-time Mrs. Niehus came.

She asked about my book.

I told her C.G. had mentioned that he had already written much of his autobiography (I remember him talking of the difficulties of writing about his life a year or two ago and perhaps this put the idea into his mind).

She said Mrs. Jaffé wanted to publish what he had written.

I gave her my Introduction to read.

She said my approach was quite different from Mrs. Jaffé’s and pressed me to continue.

She said mine was more masculine, and the fact that another biography was in preparation should not prevent me from going on with it. C.G. had read it earlier and he also thought it good and on the right lines. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Pages 272-290

Friday, February 16, 2018

Carl Jung: Christ was illegitimate and born virtually on a dunghill, yet the Son of God.

Küsnacht, 3rd June 1946

Talk with C.G.

We must descend if we are to ascend (St. Augustine).

About parables: the parable of the unjust steward – he must save his face, that’s the bug.

Parables are marvelous when read psychologically; burying the talent – not using what we have because of laziness or shyness, or lack of knowledge.

Then on to the doctrine of the trinity as mirrored in atomic physics; the atom is invisible, like the invisible things of the psyche, of the unconscious.

He is working on the relationship of atomic physics and the unconscious.

Of the Virgin Birth: God is born in the soul of man.

Christ was illegitimate and born virtually on a dunghill, yet the Son of God.

When you show people the myth it is therapeutic – they see the link with a wider experience, that they are not alone.

His illness was the result of working too hard and having two things, his patients and his writing.

Many tasks worried him because they were unfinished; then working at them he would be interrupted by the claims of patients.

The disorder lasted only about a week; but yesterday he was not well and could not see me.

He told me of a student who asked his professor, ‘How do you know there is a God?’

The professor had no answer and came and asked Jung!

This man is a great preacher, yet it’s all words, no real knowledge.

C.G. said, ‘I would have loved that question – there you have a student who can learn something.’ ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 39

Carl Jung across the web:

Blog: http:


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Great Sites to visit:

1. Jenna Lilla's Path of the Soul

2. Steve Jung-Hearted Parker's Jung Currents

3. Frith Luton's Jungian Dream Analysis and Psychotherapy:

4. Lance S. Owen Gnosis Archive

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Carl Jung: So we wait and the instincts guide us.

Bollingen, 12th September 1950

Sitting by the lake, C.G. spoke of the need for knowledge; we have to know a lot, for example about symbols, and the contents of the unconscious.

When people are confronted with strange or overwhelming inner experiences they may wonder if they are mad, or think they are ‘different’, separate.

But when the significance of the experience is shown to them, and its content understood – for instance parts of a dream, or a picture – their anxiety is relieved and they feel less isolated.

We must know these things and impart the knowledge.

We spoke of the shadow and I said it puzzled some people.

He said it was very simple: in analysis it is the first thing constellated by the unconscious; behind it, further from consciousness, is the anima (or animus) and other collective material.

The shadow can represent the whole of the unconscious – that is both personal and archetypal contents – or just the personal material which was in the background and not recognised, not wanted.

But it has to come forward and be assimilated into consciousness, it is essential.

He said he had learned never to start an interview beyond a few pleasantries – ‘How are you?’ – but to wait for the patient, because the instincts, the archetypes, lie in between and we don’t know what may be there.

But at times in conversation some topic occurs to him for no apparent reason, and he talks about it and finds it is just the right thing.

For instance the other day he began talking to a woman doctor about his African tour and snakes, and wondered why he was telling her all this; then it turned out to be absolutely relevant for he discovered that she was deeply interested in these things.

So we wait and the instincts guide us.

Commenting on a patient’s dream he said that when people become too introverted it can happen that they think too much of the past.

‘People do this and don’t expect much of the future; they need to develop expectancy –something fresh can happen.’

C.G. looks very well.

After talking to him I had a chat with Toni Wolff on the terrace.

Before I left she got me some lunch.

We lit a fire in the grate and heated some coffee and I carried it to the terrace with some bread and cheese.

The place has a very restful recreative atmosphere.

As I left I passed C.G. and said goodbye.

He was lying on a chaiselongue reading in the place where we had been talking.

I write this now in glorious sunshine sitting on the bank by the side of the road just above the Tower, still, as it were, in the restful unhurried atmosphere of it all.

14th September 1950

We spoke of Korea, and also of Communism.

This, C.G. thought, had arisen because of the failure of the Church.

The Church has had its gestapo – the Inquisition – and its domination; worldly power it always used badly, kept people down and poor.

Hence the new Roman dogma, the deification of matter, materia.

This is the point, and it is the quaternity, and the feminine principle.

We talked again of the shadow.

He said, ‘Yes, it represents everything that is obscure, and it can be personal or collective, we just have to
observe it and see.’

He spoke of it as all that was not realised; it could be good or bad.

He spoke also of a multiplicity of women in dreams, a plurality of animas, because man’s attitude could be collective in this.

I asked about the origin of his work on types and he said this began entirely by studying Freud and Adler; the one was rather extraverted (Freud) and the other rather introverted (Adler).

At this time he (Jung) abandoned all desire for a career; it was possible for him to do this economically, and he decided to find out what we were really dealing with in the mind.

He came to see Freud and Adler as having entirely different approaches.

15th September 1950

I asked C.G. about the Christmas tree; he said it was a great symbol because it was the life growing in winter, the winter solstice, and that is what Christ is, the light in the darkness.

But the tree can be many things – phallic, or the unconscious.

I asked what a blind person’s conception of archetypal ideas would be.

He said he had no experience of this; certainly blind people would need to express the archetypes but it was difficult to know in what form – for example the horse or the ford; it was hard to say how these would be experienced without vision.

We spoke of Kant.

He said he had quoted Kant, who had a notion of the unconscious and of the obscurity of what things were – Ding an sich – we just don’t know what things really are in themselves, we have only our impressions of them.

We talked sitting under a canvas roof he had rigged up on the terrace.

16th September 1950

Cold, so we sat in the upper room.

He spoke of his house.

He had on the table the little oil lamp he used when he wrote about the association tests, and always used here – a very soft light.

He would not have electric light installed, or the telephone.

He had built the house like those of mediaeval times with thick stone walls and small windows, so when you are inside you are contained; if you want to see more you can go out.

He spoke with much feeling of all these old things and I wondered about more recent times.

He said we need a certain distance between us and events.

He found it difficult to keep fully in touch with the implications of what was happening now, for instance the atom bomb; hence the need to get apart, get quiet, in this place.

He values the things he has to do here, the necessary things, little jobs; they are not a waste of time.

We get emptied by too much work and these trivial things restore us.

People are too busy to live, but what do they do with their time, the time they save?

It is better to live and be someone and not get absorbed in activity all the time.

I referred to Heraclitus, and he said Heraclitus knew a lot and he had got the notion of enantiodromia
from him.

It was important to have a philosophic background and to know the theories of cognition.

He spoke also of Descartes, and of Descartes’ dream, which compensated for his one-sided attitude.

This is mentioned in a book he has written on synchronicity.

A physicist in Zürich is writing on this with him, from the physicist’s point of view.

They are having difficulty in getting photocopies of some manuscript which is in the British Museum.

He said this work with the physicist on synchronicity was the last of such writing he would do; it required tremendous concentration and took too much out of him.

He had decided to do no work for a year, except what he wanted.

He told me his wife had started to learn Latin, and also some natural science, after her fifth child went to school.

Now she can read all the mediaeval Latin texts.

He used to wonder how he would ever read all the books he had: ‘I didn’t know I would have so long, and now I can read.’

He mentioned a doctor who never read anything but medical journals; then he retired, and there was nothing to live for – life was empty, had come to an end, and he died.

Of archetypes: they are the way instinct shows itself.

It was ridiculous for Freud to say there was only one kind of energy, we don’t know what energy is.

So he himself hesitated to use the word and used ‘libido’ instead.

We see only the manifestations of energy.

It was rubbish to think sex could be the only drive; those who said that were just ignorant, knew nothing.

He referred to the comfort a patient got from the idea that his illness was because of something in the past, in the parents perhaps.

But he has the illness now.

If a man has a bullet in his leg he may find out who shot the bullet, but he has it in his leg and it is this which must be dealt with.

We cannot help simply by showing him that someone shot at him; we are driven to think of the present problem and to deal with it.

The patient has the neurosis now, the parents haven’t got it.

Speaking of astrology, C.G. said he did not concern himself in the least with whether it was true or false.

All that he found of value was that it could give a hint, some indication of things he did not know.

And so it was with graphology.

He spoke of his concepts as purely hypothetical, only hypotheses, and if better ones came along he would accept them.

As to what things really were we just didn’t know, we could only try to find out as far as was possible.

He was wearing drill trousers (old) and jack boots, or rather high laced boots, very thick and tough looking, and a wind jacket, plus his green apron.

Just going out to work in his garden I think, but he sat and smoked and talked. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Pages 54-65

Carl Jung across the web:

Blog: http:


Facebook: Group:


Facebook Page:


Red Book:




Great Sites to visit:

1. Jenna Lilla's Path of the Soul

2. Steve Jung-Hearted Parker's Jung Currents

3. Frith Luton's Jungian Dream Analysis and Psychotherapy:

4. Lance S. Owen Gnosis Archive

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Carl Jung: The fish was the symbol of the unconscious life, like the Christ.

Bollingen, 25th July 1949

It was here, on this day, that I first met Victor White.

He was bathing in the lake when I arrived and I also had a bathe, so we met in the water.

After tea we sat at a table in the front garden with C.G. and Mrs. Jung, a grand-daughter of theirs, and Father Victor White.

C.G. and I had a talk for over two hours sitting by the edge of the lake.

White had seen a snake in the water and as we talked we saw the snake twice; it swam along rather beautifully, about a yard long.

I spoke to C.G. of a dream a patient had told me: he had a basin filled with golden-coloured water and in it were some golden fish; he had to drink some of the water.

A fish fell out and he replaced it.

C.G. said it meant that some of the unconscious was within reach and that he could take from it.

The fish was the symbol of the unconscious life, like the Christ.

27th July 1949

I arrived at Bollingen at three o’clock and had a bathe.

The Jung’s were there with Father White and their grandchild Sybil.

Lovely bathe.

Sybil had a kettle being boiled on twigs.

Then a chat with C.G.

He spoke of the stages of life, for I had mentioned the importance to the younger generation of having grandparents.

He had not known his; he said his grandmother died in 1864.

He went on to speak of obsessional people as always fearing death; they want to remain adolescent and never grow up.

Some patients (he cited a case) may even decline to shake hands with the doctor, who has to do with death.

Adolescents have everything ahead of them; their decisions will be taken in the future.

And the obsessional person is reluctant to decide anything.

Nothing must be fixed for that would mean life was getting on, so there is hesitation over any decision, it must be possible to alter it, undo it – it is always reversible.

Through their symptoms they retain an immature attitude and neglect their work, their duties in life.

He mentioned the case of a woman who felt compelled to play incessantly on the piano, and to play a Different tune with each hand; this she did until she fainted and then she would start again.

She came to him pleading for help.

He told her that she did not want to get well, and he would show her this and see how she would then react.

He asked her to carry out an experiment: for one day to do all the things a wife should do – get her husband’s breakfast, attend to his clothes and her household duties – just for one day.

She returned still asking for help.

‘What about our experiment?’ he asked, ‘Did you do it?’

‘Yes,’ she said.

‘And did you have any symptoms?’

‘No, none at all.’

‘Well there it is!’ he said.

Her reply was, But it was so boring!’

He also referred to the case of a man with an obsessional neurosis who had lived self-indulgently for years,
drawing on the financial support of a schoolteacher who loved him though he knew his expenses were beyond her means (cited in Modern Man, I think).

He had had a long Freudian analysis.

This man blamed C.G. for moralizing when he told him, ‘There is your moral fault’, for we all have a moral side.

He went on to speak of Freud and mentioned the importance to him of his dogmas.

After many years without neurosis people can find themselves confronted with problems.

In psychoanalysis they go back to early childhood things and in so doing escape from the real immediate situation.

It’s like a river: in the early stages there are the little tributaries, and as it flows on, the channel deepens and the side streams dry up.

But if the river is blocked in its course the water rises and flows back into the old disused channels again.

But they are not the cause of the situation; the cause is the block in the river.

And of course patients love to go back and back for this leads away from their problem, and there are always the endless things of childhood to talk of.

But in this both analyst and patient are blinded to the present problem.

I asked, ‘What cures?’ and he said, ‘You can cure with anything if you believe in it; you can cure neuroses with hypnotism, or with a walking stick, if that is what you believe in.

Freud was kind to people and gave them his interest, that was what cured and that is what always cures
– the human contact.

What you believe in is what cures.’

He talked of absolute knowledge – ‘What a term, absolute!’

He meant by it the real truth that we touch on now and then.

We are related to everything – ‘to that tree’ – for we are all part of nature, and it makes a pattern.

We cling to our consciousness as something big; but beyond it we can get into the stream of nature, the real unconscious.

Perhaps we cannot understand a patient – we are completely stuck; then we may get a hint from an unexpected source, for instance from astrology: ‘I don’t care whether it’s “true” or not, I’m interested only in the fact that it can, and does, give us a hint.’

He mentioned also the I Ching, and an intuitive mediaeval system he had come across recently.

He added that one could test these things only with discrimination; ‘But one can see at times if they work,’ he said, ‘and when they do it’s a help; we must get beyond our heads.’

12th August 1949

To Bollingen again.

After tea we sat in the tower room.

Later I had a talk with C.G. in the study upstairs.

He spoke of unmindful coincidences, that is, coincidences which could not have been anticipated.

He gave an example of a dream he had recently of Churchill, and next day he read that Churchill had just passed through Switzerland.

He added that on two previous occasions he had dreamt of Churchill and each time he had read the following day that Churchill had been in Switzerland at the time, or passing through; once was in 1944, when Churchill had alighted to refuel at Geneva on his way to Greece.

In this context of synchronicity he mentioned the old notion of Correspondence (Swedenborg).

He said the fundamental concept in physics was space, time and causation; when you had these three you had all that was needed.

But there is more, namely that things happen together at a certain time.

He alluded by way of illustration to the decay of radium, that after about 1400 years the granule of radium had gone.

It diminishes at a certain rate; space, time and causation do not account for this.

The comparison he gave was as if, say, sixty men sit down to dinner and each has a card with a time on it at which he must rise and go.

One gets up, perhaps at two minutes past four, and another at four minutes past, and so on, irregularly, and seemingly at random.

Gradually the room becomes empty.

So it is with radium, it just ‘fades away’.

Or the ice crystals which form on the window; no one sees two alike.

Each atom knows its place; previously all were water, then there is the ice crystal with its axial pattern, quite perfect, and unpremeditated (by us).

It seems, like radium, to follow laws of which we know nothing, as though there was some ‘absolute knowledge’ in nature. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Pages 43-51

Sunday, February 4, 2018

E.A. Bennet: He [Jung] told me of the stone he had just carved.

Bollingen, 20th June 1951

We sat in the alcove on the terrace under the canvas cover.

As before, C.G. was in country attire, his boots laced with string to just below the knee, drill trousers shoved into them; apron hung round his neck and tucked to one side, and a leather coat with a jumper inside, and an old hat.

He makes an impressive figure.

He told me of the stone he had just carved.

It stands on a pedestal at the side of the house, near the new wall which was being built when I was here last year.

The stone was brought from the quarry on the opposite side of the lake.

A single piece was needed to finish the wall at one corner and the size was carefully measured.

When C.G. saw the stone coming in the boat he realised it was not the right size for the wall.

But then his heart leapt – it was a perfect cube! ‘That’s the very thing I want!’

He felt it was miraculous.

He had the stone put in place and has carved three faces of it.

On the front is an inscription in Greek characters and a small figure, a homunculus.

The right face, in Latin, commemorates his seventy-fifth birthday expressing gratitude for all life had given; it is as follows:

Hic lapis exilis extat pretio Quoque vilis. Spernitur a stultis Amatur plus ab edoctis.

In Memoriam Natus Di EIL XXV C.G. Jung Ex gratitudine fecit et posuit MCML

The third face is carved in condensed mediaeval Latin – impossible to read unless one knew the abbreviations.

He learned these, he said, in order to read certain mediaeval texts.

Then he talked of types, and especially of the functions.

I asked about the correlation of functions or types and neuroses of different kinds.

He said this would be very difficult, for we get introverted hysterics, and we just can’t say why a neurosis is as it is.

Probably there is much in mutation, or in the family pattern of the father or mother; but it seems less probable that it fits in with a special type or function, although this may come into it a bit.

I told him I had been asked to write a brief note about him for the British Medical Journal and he said, ‘Whatever you say make it clear that I have no dogma, I’m still open and haven’t got things fixed.’

He went on to talk of Freud’s insistence on dogma; to him it was absolutely necessary.

C.G. said that Freud did a great work in exposing the working of the mind in repression; but his need to hold to his dogma led him to make everything fit his theories, for instance dreams: if they did not fit in one way then they had to fit in another.

He always treated Freud with respect and called him Professor.

He said Freud had no notion of the anima.

I spoke of archaic ideas and archetypes, and he said certainly Freud had some of these ideas in a partial way, but he made no use of them.

In 1905 he had written to Freud saying that while repression was valuable it did not explain all the facts; there was also the autonomous psyche, the complex, and this acted on its own apart from repression.

Freud did not like the idea of the autonomous psyche, but the complex was a demonstrable fact and it did act on its own.

22nd June 1951

We spoke of groups, and C.G. said he thought it important in a group of doctors that there should be some lay people also, it keeps a balance.

He went on to talk of interviews.

He regards an interview with a patient as a social occasion; if the person has a neurosis that is something more, but people should be regarded as normal and met socially.

Speaking of intuitive people, he said it was important for them to get down to some task and make it real, ‘Otherwise they are like someone looking at that mountain over there through a telescope, and the next thing is they feel they have been there. But they haven’t, they must do the work.’

I asked about connections between organic disease and neuroses, and he said the links were not clear.

He mentioned that in free association tests breathing was restricted when a complex was touched and that this could be related to TB.

He had often treated people with TB psychologically, and when their breathing improved, became deeper, they got better.

The restriction in breathing affected the apex of the lungs.

Freudians treat the sickness –put the patients on a couch with a rug over them, then they are in the sickness.

He doesn’t believe in using a couch, but looks on patients as healthy people interfered with by their neurosis.

Also if you have a dogma then you always know, everything can be explained.

But if you haven’t then you must find out, and every person is different.

So psychopathology is difficult and you can’t fit people into your preconceived ideas. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Pages 69-75

Dr. Jung hypnotizes his mother

Another instance of the same thing was C.G.’s mother.

She remarked to him that hypnosis was a lot of nonsense and he replied, ‘Oh no, I’ll show you.’

He told her to hold up her arm, and then said, ‘Now you can’t put it down.’

She said, ‘Oh yes I can.’ ‘Well, put it down then,’ said C.G.

‘No,’ shevanswered, ‘I’m not hypnotised but I don’t want to put it down.’

Mrs. Jung and C.G.’s sister were there and they laughed.

Then he lifted his mother’s leg and held it horizontally, and there she sat with her arm up and her leg
stuck out.

She couldn’t move until he told her to do so, and yet she insisted that she was not hypnotised.

~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Pages 97-98

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Carl Jung and World War II

[Carl Jung and World War II]

He [Jung] had feared much when the Russians came into the war; but then he had a striking dream, of which he told me a part:

He was in a vast field with, in the distance, buildings like barracks.

The place was filled with hordes of buffalos (i.e. Germans).

He was on a mound, and Hitler was on another mound.

He felt that as long as he fixed his gaze on Hitler all would be well.

Then he saw a cloud of dust in the distance, and horsemen – Cossacks – rounding up the buffalos and driving them out of the field.

Then he woke and was glad, for he knew that Germany would be beaten by Russia.

This, he said, was a collective dream, and very important. ~E.A. Bennet, Confersations with Jung, Pages 26-27

He [Jung] listened daily to the B.B.C. and knew that England was the only hope, and that they would never give in. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Page 24.

He [Jung] said that until 1935 it had seemed possible, in Germany and Italy, that some good could come from Naziism. Germany was transformed; instead of roads crowded with people without work, all was changed and peaceful. Then he saw other things and knew it was evil. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Page 25.

He[Jung] became so outspoken in his criticisms of Germany that Mrs. Jung was afraid he would get into trouble, with so much German influence in Zürich. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Page 25

Referring to the rumours of his so-called Nazi sympathies, C.G. told me that his name was on the black List in Germany because of his views, and that he would certainly have been shot at once had he fallen into Nazi hands. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Page 26

Carl Jung across the web:

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Great Sites to visit:

1. Jenna Lilla's Path of the Soul

2. Steve Jung-Hearted Parker's Jung Currents

3. Frith Luton's Jungian Dream Analysis and Psychotherapy:

4. Lance S. Owen Gnosis Archive

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Carl Jung: "Meetings with Jung" by E.A. Bennet - Quotations

He [Jung] always treated Freud with respect and called him Professor. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Pages 69-75.

He [Jung] mentioned that in free association tests breathing was restricted when a complex was touched and that this could be related to TB. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 74

He [Jung] listened daily to the B.B.C. and knew that England was the only hope, and that they would never give in. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 24.

He [Jung] said that until 1935 it had seemed possible, in Germany and Italy, that some good could come from Naziism. Germany was transformed; instead of roads crowded with people without work, all was changed and peaceful. Then he saw other things and knew it was evil. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 25.

He[Jung] became so outspoken in his criticisms of Germany that Mrs. Jung was afraid he would get into trouble, with so much German influence in Zürich. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 25

Referring to the rumours of his so-called Nazi sympathies, C.G. told me that his name was on the black List in Germany because of his views, and that he would certainly have been shot at once had he fallen into Nazi hands. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 26

Then he woke and was glad, for he knew that Germany would be beaten by Russia. This, he said, was a collective dream, and very important. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 27

No, the Virgin was the archetypal figure of the soul of man, the anima, and it is only in the soul of man that God can be born, where else could it be? ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 32

He [Jung] dislikes crowds and dislikes majorities, so at Yale he asked for a small hall in which to lecture. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 32

He [Jung] went on to speak of obsessional people as always fearing death; they want to remain adolescent and never grow up. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 44

Freud was kind to people and gave them his interest, that was what cured and that is what always cures – the human contact. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 48

He [Jung] spoke of unmindful coincidences, that is, coincidences which could not have been anticipated. He gave an example of a dream he had recently of Churchill, and next day he read that Churchill had just passed through
Switzerland. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 49

He [Jung] alluded by way of illustration to the decay of radium, that after about 1400 years the granule of radium had gone. It diminishes at a certain rate; space, time and causation do not account for this. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 50

The shadow can represent the whole of the unconscious – that is both personal and archetypal contents – or just the personal material which was in the background and not recognised, not wanted. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 55

He [Jung] said he had learned never to start an interview beyond a few pleasantries – ‘How are you?’ – but to wait for the patient, because the instincts, the archetypes, lie in between and we don’t know what may be there. ~E.A. Bennet, Meeting with Jung, Page 55

But the spiritual power of the Church has fallen, and Communism is the opposite: it has arisen as the glorification of the materia. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 57

I asked C.G. about the Christmas tree; he said it was a great symbol because it was the life growing in winter, the winter solstice, and that is what Christ is, the light in the darkness. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 59

He [Jung] had on the table the little oil lamp he used when he wrote about the association tests, and always used here – a very soft light. He would not have electric light installed, or the telephone. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 60

He [Jung] values the things he has to do here, the necessary things, little jobs; they are not a waste of time. We get emptied by too much work and these trivial things restore us. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 61

It is better to live and be someone and not get absorbed in activity all the time. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 61

He [Jung] said this work with the physicist on synchronicity was the last of such writing he would do; it required tremendous concentration and took too much out of him. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 62

He [Jung] told me his wife had started to learn Latin, and also some natural science, after her fifth child went to school. Now she can read all the mediaeval Latin texts. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 62

It was ridiculous for Freud to say there was only one kind of energy, we don’t know what energy is. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 63

Speaking of intuitive people, he [Jung] said it was important for them to get down to some task and make it real, ‘Otherwise they are like someone looking at that mountain over there through a telescope, and the next thing is they feel they have been there. But they haven’t, they must do the work.’ ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 73

He [Jung] mentioned that in free association tests breathing was restricted when a complex was touched and that this could be related to TB. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 74

He [Jung] doesn’t believe in using a couch, but looks on patients as healthy people interfered with by their neurosis. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 74

He [Jung] spoke of communists as people without ideals, with whom you could never make a treaty; the peace talks were all nonsense, to wear out the Americans. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 77

He [Jung] said it was always like this with his dreams; he would dream of what he would write – like the mediaeval house dream and the notion of the collective unconscious. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 83

It’s no help just to search for causes and then blame the parents. Why not have the parents as the patients? ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 88

At times C.G. has had to re-create a neurosis in order to get vitality into the treatment – for instance when a patient is just flat and deflated. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 89

At breakfast he [Jung] spoke of astrology (one of his daughters is interested in it), and of a German book in which he is criticised for giving support to horoscopes. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 91

Jealousy always means that we see someone else doing what we should have done but for our incapacity or laziness; it is easier to criticize other people. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 99

He [Jung] added that he never has had good reviews; but, like Schopenhauer, ‘People read me, and people will read me. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 101

The average is a statistical truth, and this is a concept; but it implies that there must be exceptions, and there are exceptions to the general rule of space, time and causality. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 101

This man also asked C.G. if he believed in astrology because he had mentioned it; but, said C.G., it is not necessary to ‘believe’ in such concepts – he simply observes that they are sometimes relevant. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 102

Later we talked again, and C.G. said how interesting it would be if someone were to study the dreams people had under anesthetics; he mentioned one or two examples. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 157

Also he [Jung] spoke of his great interest on reading that a neuro-surgeon, concerned with epilepsy, had stimulated the corpora quadrigemina and the patient had had a vision of a mandala, a square containing a circle. This vision could be reproduced – and was reproduced – by the stimulation. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 157

He [Jung] said he had for a long time thought that the brain stem was important in our thinking life and how interested he was that the corpora quadrigemina, the four bodies, was the area, for it confirmed his idea of the importance of the square and the circle as symbols. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 157

In the evening after dinner, we somehow got onto the subject of numbers which, C.G. said, had a life of their own. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 158

C.G. spoke also of participation mystique – that everything is known. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 162

He [Jung] said that even at school he had always been suspected of being a fraud – as when the teacher refused to believe he had written his essay; there was so much in it the teacher had never heard of that he concluded C.G. had got someone else to write it for him. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 146

He [Jung] struggled with himself about telling her [Emma] but he did so; she was quite undisturbed, and in a way relieved for ever since heroperation she had been preparing for death. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 147

He [Jung] mentioned the witch doctor at Bollingen, whose house on the hill we had seen from the boat yesterday. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 134

The witch doctor has a very ancient book which was given to him by a monk of Einsiedeln who liked him when he was a boy. It is a reprint of an older volume, and contains the so-called sixth and seventh books of Moses. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page134

With it, in the same chamois leather bag, he [Jung] had a little jade Chinese wishing wheel (it looked eighteenth century and was celadon jade with a movable centre). ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 136

Then some left, and C.G. went out and returned with a selection of gramophone records; they were all of Negro spirituals. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 139

The painting of this ceiling was C.G.’s idea; his coat of arms, or the separate parts of it, fill a long panel at one end and at the other end is that of Mrs. Jung. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 182

I asked of his first impressions of the anima and he [Jung] said it came in his dream of the white dove when the little girl stood beside him; she was like his eldest daughter. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 189

The extraverted person cannot value anything from the inside, hence the superficiality of much academic psychology – psychological tests for example, or the physical explanations of mental experiences. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 194

There is no understanding of the fact that the mind itself has its causality; something from the inner life exerts its influence – ideas just arrive in the mind, or symptoms appear. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 195

Then when C.G. was in India, he was invited to Mysore State where this man was the guru to the ruler; he was treated very well, stayed in the ruler’s guest-house, and was taken for drives in an ancient but comfortable motor car. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 199

He [Jung] mentioned also the archetypes as the representation of the instincts, that is, the instincts can be expressed in many ways – there are hundreds of possibilities. But one form is selected because it corresponds to the instinct – it is an image of it. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 200.

But the delusion itself is something; one cannot deny its reality because it is unusual. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 201

This is the puer aeternus and you need it, especially in old age for it keeps people healthy. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 217

You can’t change people to fit a theory. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 217

After dinner we sat on the verandah, C.G. behind the little table wearing, as usual, a blue apron, and on the table lay the stone he was carving of the family lineage on the male side. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 219

He [Jung] was particularly interested to see how they [Harvard] had translated the word ‘unconscious’ into Latin, and it was mens vacua, the unknown or unexplored mind. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 220

At the same time he [Jung] showed me a small tumbler of slightly tinted (red or pink) glass, and the rim at the top was sharp all round. He said that at the moment his wife’s mother died the upper part of the glass had broken
off. ~E.A. Bennet, Meeting with Jung, Page 221

Janet never knew his patients; he was the opposite of Freud who could never see beyond his patients, but saw them only through his own theory. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 222

He [Jung] went on to speak of the natives in Africa – they had a natural psychology. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 236

Unless there is a personal religious experience – realizing from the inside what it means – nothing happens. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 238

He [Jung] likes to be quiet in the evenings and let his mind unbend, uncoil. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 274.

His [Jung] father was Lutheran, but of the Basel Reformed Church. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 275

C.G. took me to see his carving of Attis at the end of the path near the boat house. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 278.

He [Jung] spoke of the story of Attis as one of the most beautiful in antiquity and classed it with that of Apollo and Demeter. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 278.

On the wall of the Tower he [Jung] had made a new carving of a woman kneeling; he said she was the mother of Attis. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 278

He [Jung] never finds it irksome to be alone. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 279

C.G. told me to read Dr. Zhivago, a novel by the Russian, Pasternak; it was a wonderful picture of the anima. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 281

There was quite a crowd there and Barker, the professor of English from Cambridge, said, ‘Now Jung, you must know the famous passage in Faust about the setting sun!’ And Jung did know it, and recited it. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 284

‘But,’ C.G. went on to tell us, ‘here was a living myth, for the mountain lit by the sun is said to be the wife of Vishnu; and the myth gives the story and the experience meaning. That is what myths are.’ ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 284

Speaking of dreams he said we must always ask ‘Whose dream?’ ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 289

He [Jung] spoke of Aquarius and the significance of Khrushchev’s visit to America. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 295

The wedding cake is a mandala and the bride and bridegroom are the royal wedding couple, the King and Queen, for that evening, and they preside over the gathering. That is symbolism; it belongs to life. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 297

“Omnis festinatio a parte diaboli est”,’ he quoted in Latin – ‘all haste comes from the devil’. It is an old alchemical saying. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 297

Typology is a description of specific manifestations of energy. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 299

St. Paul’s teacher, Gamaliel, was a noted Cabbalist. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 301

This was the spread of knowledge laterally as well as vertically (that is spiritually), and he [Jung] said he had mentioned this in Aion, and that Pisces – he pronounced it with a hard ‘c’, Piskes – was like this: the sign was a perpendicular and a horizontal fish, they went in opposite directions. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 302

And now we are coming to the end of the Pisces era, as was foretold nearly two thousand years ago by the Arabian astrologer Albumasar. The pre-Christian time was Aries. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 302

The snake is endless time. [As depicted in images of Mithras] ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 303

So far as mythology goes the interesting thing is that the myths are repeated, that is a fact and a very important one. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 304

We can have ideas about God; but whether they are ‘true’ or not, or whether they are ‘absolute’, cannot be answered. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 305.

In his [Jung] father’s room in this house were many zoological specimens in glass vessels; C.G. had earlier a special interest in zoology. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 307

In his [Jung] mother’s room were cages, like bird cages, only they were houses, and they were for the ghosts (that is, the flitting ideas in the mind) to lodge in. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 307

C.G. spoke of Ernest Jones and some of the inaccuracies in his biography of Freud. He said Jones had always been simply a follower of Freud; he had not added any original ideas. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 296

When Jones was writing his book on Freud he never asked him (C.G.) anything about the early years when he and Freud were working together. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 296

I asked him [Jung] again about the carving of the face of Mercury on the stone at the side of the Tower. He said, ‘I got terribly stuck when I was working on synchronicity, in the part about statistics. Then I saw that face in the stone and put my papers away and got my tools and carved it. It was the impish Mercury. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 298

He [Jung] went on, ‘The alchemists knew this hindering thing and Mercury was often mentioned by them as the jester.’ ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 298

His ]Jung’s] study of alchemy had been foreshadowed in his dreams, and his work had always developed in this way – out of his own experiences and dreams. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 84

We looked at some of the many stone carvings he has done; a small one was of a snake which had swallowed a perch and died. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 183

A beautiful stone in the classical style was a memorial to Mrs. Jung; this, he said, was to be put up on the wall by the loggia. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 183

But the detective stories were a rest, chiefly because they had no bearing on his [Jung’s]professional work; and he could sleep after reading them because they were not true. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 187

I asked of his [Jung’s] first impressions of the anima and he said it came in his dream of the white dove when the little girl stood beside him; she was like his eldest daughter. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 189

He mentioned also the archetypes as the representation of the instincts, that is, the instincts can be expressed in many ways – there are hundreds of possibilities. But one form is selected because it corresponds to the instinct – it is an image of it itself is something; one cannot deny its reality because it is unusual. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 201

It is important to be alone and unhurried sometimes, for then we are close to Nature (as he was on the night of this dream); then we can hear the voice of Nature speaking to us. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 203

He was particularly interested to see how they had translated the word ‘unconscious’ into Latin, and it was mens vacua, the unknown or unexplored mind. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 220

He [Jung] had been described as the explorer of the unconscious, and he thought this phrase particularly apt. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 220

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Carl Jung Quotations from "Meetings with Jung"

And now we are coming to the end of the Pisces era, as was foretold nearly two thousand years ago by the Arabian astrologer Albumasar. The pre-Christian time was Aries. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 302

The snake is endless time. [As depicted in images of Mithras] ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 303

So far as mythology goes the interesting thing is that the myths are repeated, that is a fact and a very important one. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 304

We can have ideas about God; but whether they are ‘true’ or not, or whether they are ‘absolute’, cannot be answered. ~Carl Jung, Meetings with Jung, Page 305.

In his [Jung] father’s room in this house were many zoological specimens in glass vessels; C.G. had earlier a special interest in zoology. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 307

In his [Jung] mother’s room were cages, like bird cages, only they were houses, and they were for the ghosts (that is, the flitting ideas in the mind) to lodge in. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 307

C.G. spoke of Ernest Jones and some of the inaccuracies in his biography of Freud. He said Jones had always been simply a follower of Freud; he had not added any original ideas. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 296

When Jones was writing his book on Freud he never asked him (C.G.) anything about the early years when he and Freud were working together. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 296

I asked him [Jung] again about the carving of the face of Mercury on the stone at the side of the Tower. He said, ‘I got terribly stuck when I was working on synchronicity, in the part about statistics. Then I saw that face in the stone and put my papers away and got my tools and carved it. It was the impish Mercury. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 298

He [Jung] went on, ‘The alchemists knew this hindering thing and Mercury was often mentioned by them as the jester.’ ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 298

His study of alchemy had been foreshadowed in his dreams, and his work had always developed in this way – out of his own experiences and dreams. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 84

We looked at some of the many stone carvings he has done; a small one was of a snake which had swallowed a perch and died. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 183

A beautiful stone in the classical style was a memorial to Mrs. Jung; this, he said, was to be put up on the wall by the loggia. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 183

But the detective stories were a rest, chiefly because they had no bearing on his [Jung’s]professional work; and he could sleep after reading them because they were not true. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 187

I asked of his first impressions of the anima and he said it came in his dream of the white dove when the little girl stood beside him; she was like his eldest daughter. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 189

The extraverted person cannot value anything from the inside, hence the superficiality of much academic psychology – psychological tests for example, or the physical explanations of mental experiences. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 194

There is no understanding of the fact that the mind itself has its causality; something from the inner life exerts its influence – ideas just arrive in the mind, or symptoms appear. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 195

Then when C.G. was in India, he was invited to Mysore State where this man was the guru to the ruler; he was treated very well, stayed in the ruler’s guest-house, and was taken for drives in an ancient but comfortable motor car. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 199

He mentioned also the archetypes as the representation of the instincts, that is, the instincts can be expressed in many ways – there are hundreds of possibilities. But one form is selected because it corresponds to the instinct – it is an image of it itself is something; one cannot deny its reality because it is unusual. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 201

It is important to be alone and unhurried sometimes, for then we are close to Nature (as he was on the night of this dream); then we can hear the voice of Nature speaking to us. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 203

He was particularly interested to see how they had translated the word ‘unconscious’ into Latin, and it was mens vacua, the unknown or unexplored mind. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 220

He had been described as the explorer of the unconscious, and he thought this phrase particularly apt. ~E.A. Bennet, Meetings with Jung, Page 220

In the beginning I employed hypnosis in my private practice also, but I soon gave it up because in using it one is only groping in the dark. ~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Pages 119-120

A mathematician once remarked that everything in science was man-made except numbers, which had been created by God himself. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, ¶356, note 24.

… number and synchronicity… were… always brought into connection with one another,… both possess numinosity and mystery as their common characteristics. Number has invariably been used to characterize some numinous object, and all numbers from 1 to 9 are ‘sacred,’ just as 10, 12, 13, 14, 28, 32, and 40 have a special significance. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 870.

The very numbers you use in counting are more than you take them for. They are at the same time mythological entities (for the Pythagoreans they were even divine), but you are certainly unaware of this when you use numbers for a practical purpose. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 461

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Carl Jung: It was the impish Mercury.

Bollingen, 14th September 1959

Talk after breakfast with C.G.

He spoke of Aquarius and the significance of Khrushchev’s visit to America.

He thinks that Khrushchev is getting uneasy because of China; Russia with two hundred million people is hemmed in between the West and, in the East, China with six hundred million people; and China won’t always do what he wants.

He sees China as a danger.

He was very interested about the Russians hitting the moon and read every detail in the English papers we had brought with us.

He mentioned later a reference in a Swiss paper to the fact that there was no proof that they had hit the moon – it could have
been a device that the messages ceased at that time.

He had not thought it possible that the course of the missile could be followed.

15th September 1959

C.G. spoke of Ernest Jones and some of the inaccuracies in his biography of Freud.

He said Jones had always been simply a follower of Freud; he had not added any original ideas.

When Jones was writing his book on Freud he never asked him (C.G.) anything about the early years when he and Freud were working together.

As Freud and Ferenczi were dead, C.G. was the only person who could have given him accurate information, and he could easily have done so.

Jones was not there, and there were a number of errors in his book.

At supper, speaking of his granddaughter’s wedding, which was followed by a feast and a wedding cake, he said, ‘You see,
there are always traces of the old things!’

The wedding cake is a mandala and the bride and bridegroom are the royal wedding couple, the King and Queen, for that evening, and they preside over the gathering. That is symbolism; it belongs to life.

16th September 1959

C.G. said he liked to finish his coffee at breakfast slowly – I then come to life with no hurry.

“Omnis festinatio a parte diaboli est”,’ he quoted in Latin – ‘all haste comes from the devil’.

It is an old alchemical saying.

I asked him again about the carving of the face of Mercury on the stone at the side of the Tower.

He said, ‘I got terribly stuck when I was working on synchronicity, in the part about statistics.

Then I saw that face in the stone and put my papers away and got my tools and carved it.

It was the impish Mercury.’

He went on, ‘The alchemists knew this hindering thing and Mercury was often mentioned by them as the jester.’

18th September 1959

I asked C.G. how Freud had come to think of him as anti-Semitic.

He told me that he had always talked freely to Freud as to a friend; Freud despised his Jewish associates in Vienna, and he himself had found those in Freud’s circle unattractive when he first went to Vienna.

There were very few Jews in Switzerland then and no antiSemitism; he had never been anti-Semitic.

What he felt about Freud was that he had taken just one of the instincts or drives and tried to explain everything
in those terms.

He suggested later that the concept of sex was too narrow; there were many other urges, for example nutrition was very important.

His own notion of libido was of mental energy.

He wanted Freud to widen his concept to explain facts better.

The concept (not the theory) was a wide notion: energy was obvious in many ways other than sex, so the concept of energy was, as in physics, a wider one than Freud had conceived.

Typology is a description of specific manifestations of energy.

Bergson used the term élan vital, but again he was too specific; what is élan?

It is simply energy and so, said C.G., why not call it that?

Bergson used the term as a specific instance of mental energy; but the term energy is not absolutely precise, we don’t know what energy is, it is an abstract concept.

His own concept of mental energy is not a theory.

Energy is irreversible and goes in one direction, and the goal of energy is no energy – that is entropy.

The aim of an oak tree is to be an oak tree; it can only grow from below to above, in one direction.

19th September 1959

We left Bollingen and went on to stay at the Hotel Bad at Schmerikon.

23rd September 1959

C.G. and Ruth came for dinner at the Hotel Bad.

He said that he remembered Seif, and that he had been at Munich when Freud fainted. (Seif himself had told me that.)

I asked if it were true, as Ernest Jones had said, that Seif ‘joined’ Jung.

C.G. said that never happened at all, Seif had joined forces with Adler. (I had met Seif at an Adlerian meeting in London.)

26th September 1959

Talk in the afternoon after tea at Bollingen, sitting in the courtyard.

I asked about the effect of Christianity upon non-Christians in Europe, for example the Jews; he had mentioned in Aion how the Christian tradition affected people inevitably.

He said that amongst the Jews there was, as it were, a parallel effect, for in the Cabbala there were similar matters mentioned and the Jews, in a way, were in the Christian tradition.

But of course Christianity was not widespread; there were pockets of Christians.

St. Paul’s teacher, Gamaliel, was a noted Cabbalist.

He said also that for the first thousand years of Christianity (or more) it was quite harmonious and where the ‘pockets’ or groups were Christianity was fully accepted.

Then about 1100 or so came many schisms.

This was the spread of knowledge laterally as well as vertically (that is spiritually), and he said he had mentioned this in Aion, and that Pisces – he pronounced it with a hard ‘c’, Piskes – was like this: the sign was a perpendicular and a
horizontal fish, they went in opposite directions.

And now we are coming to the end of the Pisces era, as was foretold nearly two thousand years ago by the Arabian astrologer Albumasar.
The pre-Christian time was Aries.

I asked about the picture which is the frontispiece in Aion and he said this meant the Aion, the era.

This was the Mithraic god, and we know of similar pictures; the god was represented in the temples of Mithras.

The snake is endless time.

In a postcard from Arles another picture of Aion was shown together with the signs of the Zodiac; the head of Aion was missing.

He said we had practically no written historical records of Mithraism.

I asked about the future of psychology.

This he could not foresee – it was conceivable that advances would be made in the field of biochemistry and physiology.

It was also possible that our hard-won knowledge of psychology and the psyche and kindred things would be buried for five hundred years.

C.G. had been reading a review in a theological journal from, I think, Czechoslovakia, which criticised him.

But, he went on, the theologians seem incapable of seeing what he means, and yet it is quite simple.

They resent his intrusion into theology as if it were their private preserve, an area where they alone had special knowledge.

Yet we have no such absolute knowledge.

They want something to be ‘true’, just as people deride mythology saying it is not ‘true’.

He is not interested in the establishment of absolute truth but in observing facts.

So far as mythology goes the interesting thing is that the myths are repeated, that is a fact and a very important one.

But discussing whether the myth is ‘true’ or not is a waste of time.

He would not regard the myth as the dream of a people.

Often a myth contained some factual knowledge which ‘hit’ something, and so it went on, was expressed afresh; such things are important because they are factual.

We can have ideas about God; but whether they are ‘true’ or not, or whether they are ‘absolute’, cannot be answered.

He said he is constantly criticised for saying things which are ‘anti-Christian’ or ‘anti-theological’, such as all the nonsense about the privatio boni.

I asked about split libido and he referred to the inevitable polarity of the energic force, its dual nature.

So far as introversion or extraversion went they were simple variations, different expressions of energy.

But the energy moves in one direction; that is its nature – it does something, or you see something is done.

I asked him about the symbol of the house and in particular the mediaeval house of his dream.

‘Well,’ he said, ‘in a dream we see the house as our husk, and we are just in it.’

Thus with the mediaeval house dream he was just there, in this beautiful eighteenth century house, as he stood on the first floor.

It was as if it was where he lived, and presumably his family were about somewhere but they were not evident.

When he reflected about it later the house had some association in his mind with his uncle’s very old house in Basel which was built in the old moat of the town and had two cellars; the lower one was very dark and like a cave.

In the dream he wondered what was below and went down the steps; near the bottom it was of Roman construction, very old, and in this room were stone slabs for a floor just as there are at Bollingen.

There was a ring in one of the stones and this he lifted and went down more steps.

The light came in when he lifted this slab.

Below he saw bones and skulls and old pottery, all very ancient.

The important thing for him was the stratification, the layers of different ages.

This was how he eventually came to the notion of the collective unconscious.

Houses, he said, often came in his dreams.

Thus before he took up the study of alchemy he had a dream of a house with two wings quite new to him – he did not know they were there.

He looked on this dream as indicating something in his own psychology he did not know about, and the repetition of the dream meant it was being forced to his attention.

In his father’s room in this house were many zoological specimens in glass vessels; C.G. had earlier a special interest in zoology.

In his mother’s room were cages, like bird cages, only they were houses, and they were for the ghosts (that is, the flitting ideas in the mind) to lodge in.

And there were wonderful old books in the library, most lovely manuscripts and old volumes.

He associated these also with his uncle’s old house in Basel from which he got many books – one a lovely lexicon which he has at Bollingen.

This dream was a forerunner of his interest in alchemy.

He has often dreamt of houses with additional rooms and this has meant there were many things he had still to
find out and that they were there, in ‘his house’. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Pages 295-308

Monday, April 17, 2017

Carl Jung: We must get in touch with the man of the ages, not be over impressed by the present, not be rushed.

Küsnacht, 29th August 1956

Arrived in Zürich.

30th August 1956

At breakfast C.G. spoke of the difficulties implicit in the idea of anyone writing his biography; he said it would require a full understanding of his thought, and no one understood it completely.

Freud’s life, he said, could be clearly described because his thought was simply laid out.

But with him it was more complex, for unless the development of his thought were xentral to his biography it would be no more than a series of incidents, like writing the life of Kant without knowing his work.

To illustrate his meaning he mentioned a momentous dream he had had in 1913.

The experience had an important influence upon his life which resulted from the efforts he made to understand the dream; yet were it related quite simply few people would comprehend the significance it had at that point in his career.

The dream:

He was climbing a steep mountain path, twisting to the top, and on the right the valley was in shadow for it was still night; ahead the sun was behind the peak and rising, but still hidden.

In front of him was a primitive man (the man of all the ages – brown-skinned and hairy); he was following this man and each was armed for hunting, probably chamois.

Then the sun rose, and on the summit of the mountain Siegfried appeared in shining armour with a shield and spear; he was wearing something like skis and glided down over the rocks.

The skis were of bones – the bones of all the dead.

Then the primitive man indicated to him that they must shoot Siegfried with their rifles, and they lay in wait for him and killed him.

The primitive man (the shadow) was the leader; he went to collect the spoil.

But C.G. was filled with remorse and rushed down the mountain into a ravine and up the other side – he had to get away from the awful crime.

It was raining and everything was wet; but while this washed away all traces of the crime it made no difference to the sense of guilt which oppressed his conscience.

He awoke and wanted to sleep again but he knew he must try to understand the dream.

For a while his remorse for murdering Siegfried – the hero – obliterated everything else, overwhelming him to the extent that he felt impelled to take his revolver from the drawer and shoot himself, ‘commit suicide’; the dream and the impulse were terribly vivid and he might have done it but for the fact that his thoughts about the dream began to take shape:the hero, doing the very heroic act, was killed by the primitive man.

That is, the dream was pointing to the primitive man, who was immoral or undeveloped in our eyes, as the leader, the one to be followed.

For him, this meant that he must follow not the here and now of consciousness, the accepted achievements, but the man of the ages who represented the collective unconscious, the archetypes.

This dream was a big turning point in C.G.’s life – a far more significant dream than that of the mediaeval house, he said.

For it showed that he must follow a certain line and disregard popular ideas.

It was like the old Austrian saying of never doing today what can be done tomorrow; that is, time is not the important thing.

American boys carve on their desks ‘Do it now’, and this appeals to people today; but to do this, and to say ‘Where there’s a will there’s a way’ isn’t everything.

We must get in touch with the man of the ages, not be over impressed by the present, not be rushed.

In the dream the primitive man behaved naturally, as a primitive man would do – seeing someone approaching with sword and shield, he just fired and killed him.

So C.G. knew from the dream, when he came to comprehend it, that he must follow the deep hidden, discarded primitive man, and forsake his academic scientific career, the heroic role of doing things here and now and ‘getting on’ (‘This world’s empty glory’ E.A.B.).

He mentioned that Freud discovered the first archetype, the incest problem.

But he had regarded it only from the personal point of view, just as he took religion as simply a personal matter.

As such it could be disregarded.

He added that Freud never acquired any idea of the deeper unconscious although he spoke of ‘archaic memories’.

C.G. said that in the Oedipus complex lies a great deal of importance; it is the separation of the child and the parents, and the attitude of the child to the parents.

I asked if this wasn’t the problem in neurosis – the conflict of the personal and the collective; the desire just to be apart, and the difficulty in adapting to the whole, taking one’s place in the group.

It can show itself in many forms of phobias (claustrophobia etc.) where the underlying fear is of being alone and so faced with the central problem of adjustment.

But this varies in different ages; in the first half of life it is personal adjustment to life around us, and in the second half the adjustment is to the bigger spiritual life which goes on and on.

He mentioned Bollingen, that the great thing about it for him is that it is so near to Nature.

They cook on the open fire there, and he does most of the cooking and cuts the firewood – only wood is used.

Speaking of the fire, he said, ‘We haven’t yet mastered the natural forces so you have to know how to use it.’

We strolled round the garden (at Küsnacht) and he pointed out all the trees which had been killed by frost.

There had been warm weather in January, and the very severe frost in March burst a lot of the stems of the laurel, wisteria and other trees, because the sap had risen and it froze.

The bamboos also had to be cut down but they have shot up again and there is a very fine grove of delicate trees some ten or twelve feet high.

A feature of the house is that it was built originally with only one door.

C.G. said this was because ‘We Swiss live in the centre of Europe and lots of things may happen.’

In previous days, at the time of his army service, he had his rifle and thirty rounds of ammunition in the house (all Swiss soldiers have) so that he could defend himself.

The lower windows are protected by grilles of steel or bars.

The garden room was built later – it has a door to the garden and another into the house; the latter is an iron door and is always closed at night.

C.G. has a doze after lunch and so has Miss Bailey.

I sit in the garden, and today it is beautifully sunny.

Later we talked again, and C.G. said how interesting it would be if someone were to study the dreams people had under anaesthetics; he mentioned one or two examples.

Also he spoke of his great interest on reading that a neuro-surgeon, concerned with epilepsy, had stimulated the corpora quadrigemina and the patient had had a vision of a mandala, a square containing a circle.

This vision could be reproduced – and was reproduced – by the stimulation of the same area.

He said he had for a long time thought that the brain stem was important in our thinking life and how interested he was that the corpora quadrigemina, the four bodies, was the area, for it confirmed his idea of the importance of the square and the circle as symbols.

In the evening after dinner, we somehow got onto the subject of numbers which, C.G. said, had a life of their own.

It was always a problem for mathematicians – had numbers been invented or discovered?

This cropped up in talking about what religion was; was it with Origen, relegare: to connect, link back, or with Cicero, relegere: to gather up again, to recollect – that is, something that is there already?

The latter is C.G.’s idea for in thinking of religion we must think of all religions, for instance Buddhism, which is a religion without
a god.

But theologians say they are concerned only with Christianity!

This is like a doctor saying he is only concerned with viruses and is not interested, for example, in malaria.

So in religion we must avoid specialisation, concentrating on one thing only and leaving out the rest because it does not suit us.

Then we passed on to talk of numbers and their individual qualities.

One was nothing, because you could only think of one if you had a lot of ones; but also it could be Everything, like One (and the Many), that is the totality of God.

Two was the opposites – good and evil – and was left out by those who did not hold with opposites, such as those who accept the idea of the privatio boni.

Three was the dynamic number; it was male.

I said, ‘For example, one, two three – go!’ and he said, ‘Yes, that’s it, it’s leading somewhere.’

Four is female, complete; it is an end, final.

Five is four plus one, but the one is in the centre, it is the quintessence of the four.

Six is the double three (there was more to this).

Seven, the divine number, six plus one; the seven branched candlesticks (more also to this).

Eight – the double four.

Nine is the double four plus the central one, the quintessence again.

C.G. thinks of numbers as things existing in themselves which are discovered, not just invented.

31st August 1956

Talk with C.G. after breakfast about theologians – he found them ‘terribly superficial’.

They don’t mind talking, and a lot of their thought was ‘just firing blank ammunition’.

But when it comes to real firing – taking things seriously and seeing what they really are, they close up.

He mentioned the story of the trumpeter of Schaffhausen.

In the eighteen-forties there was fighting in Switzerland among the cantons; the Schaffhausen regiment went to take part and
the trumpeter went with them.

In a week he reappeared in Schaffhausen and everyone asked, ‘Why aren’t you at the war?’

‘Oh,’ he said, ‘they aim at you there!’ – so he had come home.

Theologians are often like that.

Then he went on to talk of the Pope’s dogma about the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and said it had great opposition in the Church because it is laid down that there can be no dogma unless it is founded upon Apostolic teaching, and there was no reference to the ascension of the Virgin until the sixth century.

But the Pope overrode that.

Several popes had attempted it before; one had done so a hundred years ago but he did not succeed in pushing it through.

The whole point of the dogma is to counteract the material; yet the woman is mater (that is, material) and God is manifest in creation, in matter.

There was tremendous opposition to the dogma, principally in northern countries; but the southern countries pressed for it.

The Virgin, therefore, is 99.9999 percent God – but not quite.

What will happen next?

Then I asked if it meant another Christ and he said, ‘Oh no, there can be only one Son of God.’

Laurens van der Post came for lunch and talked of his African adventures.

C.G. spoke also of participation mystique – that everything is known.

The primitive acts in that way; nothing is hidden nor can anything be hidden, it all comes out. C.G. is very keen on this idea, hence the title of his book Modern Man in Search of a Soul.

In the evening after dinner C.G. spoke of his first visit to Freud in Vienna.

While staying there he had a dream:

He was in the ghetto in Prague and it was narrow, twisted and low ceilinged, with staircases hanging down.

He thought, ‘How in hell can people live in such a place?’

That was the dream.

He went on to speak of how from the time of their first meetings he had noted the narrowness of Freud’s standpoint, his
limited perspective and concentration on tiny details.

He mentioned that to some degree it was because of Freud’s mother-complex that he was so concerned with sexual things – incest, sleeping with the mother and so on – as if they were something new. C.G., having been brought up in the country, knew all these things but they did not interest him.

The old ghetto in Prague, he said, was a famous one. ~E.A. Bennet, Conversations with Jung, Pages 149-163